Death, Burial & the Afterlife in the Ancient Celtic Religion Samhain is a pagan religious festival originating from an ancient Celtic spiritual tradition. Thus says the Lord: Matter is infused with the divine presence and offers glimpses of the world behind the surface of things. To create a red tent gathering, invite friends and sisters you feel safe with, create a womb cocoon by draping red blankets, sarongs, and shawls over chairs (yep just like when you were a kid creating a fort) and explore some nurturing ways to connect with one another. ; Amulet an object that deflects negative energy. This article is meant to help people understand the power of their sexuality and to learn to differentiate healthy from unhealthy within the same spectrum, for example: A potato can be healthy to eat, while potato chips are notthis example will make more sense as you read what is to come. As a result, much of Celtic Christianity can be characterized by a strongly incarnational theology: The natural world, in particular, reveals the sacramentality of all creation. One of the most beautiful, sacred, and ancient ways we can prepare for releasing our moon blood is through yoni steaming. [1] [2] [3] It employs the same basic theology, rituals and beliefs as most other forms of Wicca. Turn off any notifications from your phone or computer and ask others in your house not to disturb you. As you can see Sexual Magick is not empty sexuality, it is not there to simply obtain animal pleasure but reinforces our own vitality as it utilises our energy for something good while enjoying rushes of ectasy, a very natural aspect of ourselves and our sexuality. Temair is the Irish word for Tara and is thought to mean site of great prospect, sanctuary or sacred space. Much of this symbology lives within the stories of the holy grail, an enlightened womb, that only a noble man arriving in true reverence and devotion could access, and there he would drink the elixir of immortality. And I will make my covenant between me and you, and will make you exceedingly numerous. Celebrating a Girls First Period | Christiane Northrup, M.D. When raising energy with a partner, what does the couple want to achieve; a deeper connection, success, power, fertility? Micah 6:8. After that, she was recognized as a woman who had demonstrated her capacity for patience and perseverance. EDUCE Your use of and/or visitation to the Web site signifies your agreement to CNIs Terms of Use and CNIs Privacy Policy. He insisted that no matter what happened with him, we were to take our trip. Go out and stand on the mountain before the Lord, for the Lord is about to pass by. Now there was a great wind, so strong that it was splitting mountains and breaking rocks in pieces before the Lord, but the Lord was not in the wind; and after the wind an earthquake, but the Lord was not in the earthquake; and after the earthquake a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire; and after the fire a sound of sheer silence. When we bathe beneath the moon and the stars, especially during our moon time, it helps us to reestablish our connection with the night and all of her medicine and magic. This spirituality celebrates the human imagination, cultivating creativity through various art forms such as manuscript illumination and vibrant metalwork. The Sacred Power of Menstual Blood Rituals To honor yourself in this way, create your own mini-red tent, draping red fabrics in an area of your home where you can go and not be disturbed, a place to sit for at least a moment of rest in your day away from the outside world and outer demands. Renew your spiritual life and community worship with these adaptations of ancient Christian practices. Christine Valters Paintner is a Benedictine oblate and the online Abbess at, Copyright 2023 US Catholic. You may also enjoy receiving a massage from a trusted healer, friend, sister, or lover, honoring yourself as the Goddess you are. If you use a moon cup this is very easy to do, as the cup will gather your blood and you can remove the cup while somewhere in nature or in your garden. Its important to be on the same page when working with a partner, to communicate step by step and its just as important when youre flying solo. Choosing to simply be enough, as you are already, is a radical act of feminine empowerment at this time in our herstory. (1998). Both are required to know the fullness of the divine presence. Weddings are one of the most important of rituals of Celtic life. The essential ritual in Celtic Weddings is the handfasting ceremony The handfasting ceremony involves 13 ribbons, each with their own symbolic meaning. The hand fasting ritual is a physical bond which unites a man and a woman when getting married. From this context (their motivation) we can understand why they did not view sexuality with reservations, prejudices, nor did they abused it; they considered sexuality worthy of celebration. who abide in the shadow of the Almighty, 05 Your womb is an oracle and while menstruating the crimson tides that govern our emotional and creative selves are at their peak. Legend says St. Patrick had a dream in which he was visited by an angel who encouraged him to flee captivity and helped arrange a miraculous escape. This was a continuation of the older Druidic tradition, which was primarily an oral culture that prized memorization rather than writing. When you fantasize you attract, which means if you fantasize over empty animalistic things or people, you will not attract those specific people, instead you will attract worst; people with horrible energy who will come into your space and who will most likely just use and discard of you. The Celts, like the Tantrics, did not consider sexuality should be used only for reproductive purposes or animalistic sensory gratification, instead they associated sexuality with the mystery of life, with the fertility of life itself, and with the presence and activation of its primitive and primordial forces. Walking in a circular manner helps to move us out of linear ways of thinking and to open our hearts to receive Gods grace. By clicking Submit below, or otherwise using or visiting, you hereby agree to all of the terms and conditions set forth in Christiane Northrup, Incs Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. Ninth-century Irish theologian John Scotus Eriugena taught that there are two books of revelation: the book of the scriptures and the book of creation. The purpose and intent of this is anchoring higher light and activating the Ascension Timeline on Earth now. Let your daughters mood and personality determine what is best. Have you noticed your dreams being especially powerful during your moon time? LOVE MASTERY Ruth 1:16, Christ with me, Christ before me I consider this a mermaid ritual, honoring the emotional self, the watery self, the lunar self. the element of fire is part of most traditions, religions and spiritual practices. Daughters of copper woman. ASK INNATE The Celtic Festival Of Samhain None of the monks say the same three things, which open us up to the possibility that what is essential to one person will be different to another. It could be as elaborate as wearing an all red outfit or as subtle as red lipstick or a ruby stone pendant necklace. Isnt it interesting that the liquid once considered the nectar of immortality and the blood of Christ now makes many of us squeamish? What I am about to write goes hand in hand with Tantra; however, I will focus on the Celtic traditions. QUANTUM BALANCE Always. They surrendered themselves completely to the wind and ocean and let themselves be carried to what they called the place of their resurrection, the place where they would live and work, die and be buried, and where their remains would await their resurrection on the Last Day. Rituals occur surprisingly often within our everyday lives. All Rights Reserved |, Embrace the theology we learn from family stories, Younger Catholics are seeking new models of sainthood, Pray with the four elements to connect to God and the Earth. Do you see it as sacred? A step-by-step guide to the ancient tradition of sex magic as practiced by generations of Celtic Druids. If it speaks to you and you feel supported and safe, explore receiving your beloved during this time as a powerful act of reclaiming the sacred red river and opening to what deep wisdom your menstrual blood wishes to awaken within you. To cook ourselves nourishing foods as an act of self love and self care. Camille is the founder of Earth Daughters and a woman devoted to reviving the ancient wisdom of nature and the wild voice of the feminine. How do you honor your moon time each month? Honoring menstruation: a time of self-renewal. I stood on the threshold of the back door but would not cross. The following list is comprised of words used by Wiccans in their theological descriptions, use of magic, and nature worship. NOW This was deeply respected and understood. To feel your primal wildness in union with your pristine holiness. Sacrifices - animal and human - were also offered By remembering it once again, we not only alleviate ourselves from repeated suffering every single month, we open the doorway to profound connection with our Mother Earth and with the sacred cycles of creation. Fair Use Notice can be found in this link. I froze staring at the hare. (Freedom, CA: Crossing Press), 35. QUANTUM LOVE For questions, feedback, and suggestions you can email us: As I sit here and write, Im amidst creating a ritual handbook for the women who join the Banron Mystery School on the summer solstice. For many years I bled with the full moon through moon bathing, and eventually my cycle changed to bleeding with the new moon as I was guided deeper into the red current and the shadow side of nature. Halloween has become a childrens I seed my intentions into your soil and as I watch you cycle the seasons I blossom through the seasons of my womb. I love to make a warm golden milk blend with coconut milk, raw honey, maca powder for balancing hormones, and a big scoop of cacao to drink during bathtime. Exodus 20:13. The preparation indicates several activities, for example it is the period in which the objective is clarified and the enchantment is formulated; the construction in word of the intention you want to achieve through the magick ritual. Womb meditations are also potent during this time, and you may find it very powerful to simply sit with your womb, offer loving presence, and ask for anything that she may be holding to be seen by you. With that said, in Tantra as within Celts; there is a respect to those of a much shy nature, as such a couple is taught and encourage to practiceConscious Sexualityso they may use that energy to heal themselves or asMagickto achieve a particular goal; needless to say both partners got to be at the same wave length, meaning the sameIntention. Reproduction in whole or in part without permission is prohibited. How many times have you wasted your energy fantasizing about a damaging image or scene on TV/Computer? Thank You. From this place, my desire is to create a community in Celtic Sisterhood where we can be in ritual and co-create ritual together. This is a potent time to journal the visions, images, and messages that come to you, especially in your dreams. As we are literally birthing the layers our wombs have created during the last 28 day cycle, when we bleed it can be a powerful time to be creative. This involves walking sunwise (or clockwise) in a mindful way around various markers or monuments. Menstrual Blood Magic - 13 Ways to Use Your Period In Spells If you wish to regulate your moon cycle with the moon itself, moon and star bathing throughout the month will greatly support this! In what ways did you resist or ignore the holy impulses? Bring the prayers of your heart and ask God for signs and symbols to guide you on the way. Celtic menstrual stories are also scarce but they do indicate that women were more likely to be revered and honoured for their bleed rather than shunned. But the fact that nature is thus disturbed, that it appears stained even against human will this is the result of a sinSo if a pious woman reflects upon these things and wishes not to approach communion, she is to be praised. Sign up to join thousands of women in our sacred sisterhood and youll receive free resources for divine feminine embodiment, early access to our online Goddess temples, and priority registration for our live immersions in stunning locations across the world. He later had another dream in which he heard the Irish people calling out to him to return to the land of his enslavement and help Christianity flourish. If you have a particular deity you call upon, feel free to change names or attributes around where needed. The Celtic imagination considers sacred places to be thin, or places where the veil between the worlds, meaning heaven and earth, seem especially near to each other. For more information on yoni steams,I recommend reading this article. Maev and the High King by Courtney Davis. Terms of Use.*. The menstrual blood will activate its powers faster. Even if you awaken with only a fragment or a feeling, record that upon waking. It is important here to make note that sexual magick within a group is not the same as what is modernly called swap groups or orgies. However, all provide a clear boundary between childhood and adulthood, and represent the moment when the child assumes his or her responsibilities to the rest of the community. I needed to uncover its message. Many Irish saints had meaningful dreams as well. Before she committed to this ceremony, the sovereignty goddess often appeared in different forms using her shapeshifting powers to test the worthiness of a prospective king. Releasing this blood into the earth as a seed of life, which it is, is a powerful way to birth our vision into the ground, to allow it to manifest in the outer world beyond our womb. Where you go, I will go; In fact, it is not only possible, but the right of every woman to experience menstruation as ecstatic, blissful, profound, deeply healing, and even orgasmic. QUANTUM LOVE Ask to be guided, to enter into the deeper realms of your womb, and then simply trust and allow what you see. Where have you felt nudges to move forward? Emotions are energy in motion. These rituals celebrated times when the boundary between this world and The Otherworld was thinnest. Celebrating your daughters first period is a great way to help her internalize positive feelings about her body that will stay with her for a lifetime. They found their own threshold places, such as Skellig Michael, a jagged stone island jutting out into the Atlantic on which the ruins of a monastic community are still perched on top. While walking the rounds, you might say traditional prayers like the Hail Mary and the Lords Prayer, but any prayers of the heart are welcome. NOVA QUANTUM BEINGS Receive your FREE 40 page guide filled with ritual, magic, ceremony, and feminine embodiment rituals, as gateways to reclaim the wild red river of your powerful womb, your Whore, and the pure white river of your tender heart, your Virgin, weaving yourself as the wholeness you are. Give thanks to your womb for restoration, healing, and new life. Similarly in different seasons of life, what is essential for us might change. We all walk at our own pace, for me sexuality is something beautiful, sacred (not in the religious sense of the word) and healing; something to be honored while utilizing it (we honor sexuality by our motivation) not something to be hidden, separated from spirit or demeaned. and ask for the ancient paths, They have a tremendous ability to transform when we allow them to do their business and harness them in healthy productive ways. Search for Pregnancy and Childbirth Lore in When Abram was ninety-nine years old, the Lord appeared to Abram, and said to him, I am God Almighty; walk before me, and be blameless. WebDepending on the tradition, ritual tools may be gifted at first menses, such as chalices and cauldrons, which represent the woman's genitals and womb. YES YES YES Rituals were the space holders in rites of passage to help us to transition through these liminal times, and to experience deep transformation in the process. Bleeding directly onto the earth, whether through dark clothing or without clothing, can literally bridge the illusion of disconnect between us and her. Menopause is similarly Honoring menstruation: a time of self-renewal. An Samhain: The Celtic Roots of Halloween - The Irish Place The big ones. The magical rituals of pagan traditions are surrounded by mystery and some are considered by religion as harmful, for they take away the power of the church and put it back on the hands of each person; hence respecting free will. MATERIALIZE And figured Dreams play a significant role in scripture, with guidance and direction often arriving in these night visions. I invite you to spend some time seeking out a soul friend. Getting your first period was a big day in our house. Jeremiah 6:16. Corrguinecht did not involve the actual killing of cranes but it did mimic their bodily movement. SPACE TIME ENERGY MATTER You may also wish to create patterns, designs, or art on your skin with your blood. The outpouring of loving, gentle, wise advice was immensely touching. We were never meant feel separate or cut off from the Mother, Gaia, our earth, and yet many of us may ache from this wound. In short, she is preparing to become a more independent member of her family and society. Menstrual blood itself carries of the codes of creation, as it is from the clotting of the blood that the fetus forms, and it was once widely believed that this blood could restore a man to his original innocence. CREATING If your daughter agrees and is enthusiastic about it, I recommend some kind of planned coming-of-age celebration for her (although some girls wont want this coming-of-age ceremony to have anything to do with menarche). Saining not Smudging- Purification and Lustration in Scottish Folk It is also important to make a visualization of this projection, which must be integrated in a detailed and precise way. Begin by finding just two lines of a scriptural text or poem that are meaningful to you. In recent decades, there has been a burgeoning in the reclamation and reimagining of the rituals practiced by our ancestors. As we are. We would start out with a special morning together at the house, lounging around and taking our time getting ready. While the Irish monks are known for their illuminated sacred texts, books were rare and valuable, so they would have had to learn many scripture passages by heart to be able to pray with them. The Irish monks sang psalms throughout each day as a central part of their prayer. To just be. Just as our Earth, the underworld, our feminine mythos, magic, and ancestral rites became barbaric, dirty, sinful, and shameful, so too did our blood, one of our greatest powers to restore and to heal, become a curse filled with taboo. On one of my retreats years ago a woman asked me how she could see visions during our shamanic trance dance journeys to receive guidance from her intuitive self. Pay particular attention to the signs of the seasonwhat flowers might be in bloom, whether the trees have their leaves, and the height of the sun in the sky. Everyone, whether lay or clergy, man or woman, was expected to have a spiritual mentor and companion on the souls journey. We then went out to lunch to a fancy restaurant and proceeded to an afternoon of shopping to buy a new outfit for the new young woman. She has been guiding transformational womens retreats in activated locations across the world since 2015. It requires discipline, one has to be willing to walk with the energy as it rises; as such Sexual Magick is not an everyday practice. It differs from pilgrimage and is a phrase without a precise English definition. Despite what many of us have personally experienced and been conditioned to believe, our moon time is not a punishment for our original sin, a curse we inherited by product of being a woman, nor designed to be painful and insufferable. In fact, only in recent years, the Irish actually started celebrating New Year on December 31st. Vision questing through your own womb space is powerful any time of the month, but can be especially potent while bleeding. Reading your book, experiencing the wonders of the Islands, and truly connecting with Mother Earth provided a great comfort and, in turn, has helped me to understand the importance of creating pleasure in the second half of my life. Banais Rgh means Wedding-feast of Kingship. The unfolding of the seasons was an overarching template for the Celtic imagination. Bran sat at the entrance to the tomb, ushering me to follow. Enough. Blessing and anointing yourself with your menstrual blood is a powerful way to reclaim what has been deemed dirty and impure as exquisitely divine. The Feminization of Red Path: a Neo-pagan Network of Female St. Ita of Killeedy focused on faith, simplicity, and generosity. NOW More on her website These words resonated with me deeply, and I often feel when I am bleeding onto the earth that I am planting my own roots deeper down into the ground, reaffirming my right to be a daughter of nature. HERE WE ARE The above is a basic scientific concept of energy and how it works. NOW During the moment of climax our subconscious is wide open, as such it becomes receptive to reprogramming of old beliefs, healing of traumas, the developing of new patterns of behavior, and it can project our intentions out to the universe in order for them to become a reality.