We find it most helpful to pair badges when we have a month or two to complete a journey. Yvonne:Since I picked the card that said Facilitator, I guess Ill start facilitating. Ask the girls to define stereotypes and generate a list of stereotypes on the whiteboard (use the example list if they get stuck). Casting Call Log 15 minutes: Ask each girl or group of girls to complete the Casting Call Log on page 28 in the Girls aMUSE handbook or download a copy from the virtual toolkit. Point out that these attributes are some of the ones that people might unthinkingly use to limit a persons roles and that no one should feel limited. Every Girl Scout journey offers opportunities to individualize and customize the journey to best meet the needs of your scouts. Learn more about them. Journey Book An item from home that represents the roles they play to put in prop box Water Jacket Suggested Activities 1. Your scouts can do this together as a group or individually. Like, my grandmother gets so furious when she sees older people on TV shows or in commercials shown as being helpless. Required fields are marked *. Buying handbooks, badge guides, journey books, and badges can be very costly, so the Volunteer Toolkit is a great free resource. The other girls try to find her and when they do, they join her in the hiding place. What would you put in your story to show how to bust this stereotype? The aMUSE Junior Journey specifically focuses on combining storytelling with the many roles that your girls may one day explore. Invite others to their ceremony and practice being at ease by making introductions, conversing with the guests, having good table manners, and saying thank you. Do you play the role of critic in your life? PDF Junior aMUSE Journey - troop10047.weebly.com Once the girls have a good understanding of the product, they should brainstorm 5 different ways to make the product better. You can hand these out to the girls as they complete each step or have one ceremony where you hand out all three badges at the same time. In my neighborhood, well, I dont see many kids who are different from me. Some of these badges are easier to pair than others, but each one can tie to the aMUSE journey. How would you describe the images youre seeing? Award to just about 30 minutes. Invite girls to use the art supplies on hand to alter or redraw the ads to represent a real view of their world. Activity Plan Length:1.5 hours Time Activity Materials Needed 10 minutes Getting Started Girls recite the Girl Scout Promise + Law. The girls can place one special trade item inside their prop box such as a friendship bracelet or SWAP. Provide time for your girls to share with each other. Download PDF - Junior Amuse Journey [mwl17rq659lj]. You may find that some roles you never even thought about are just right for you! This is the aMUSE Journey. No exceptions, right? girls' book, page 55 prepare aheaD Read "keep a Casting Call Log" and "The Callback" in the girls' book, pages 16-17 and 28-35. And Ive read a couple of books. Has anything stopped you from playing one of your roles? Diversity within groups should be recognized. Plus, as you earn one of Girl Scoutings highest awards, youll change your corner of the worldand maybe even beyond. The girls can add anything that comes to mind about prejudice. journey series focuses on developing a strong sense of self and promote well-being in all areas of development. Andrea:And dont think someone is poor or homeless because she is lazy. Yvonne:Right! Add to Cart Quick View. When they realize they cannot tell you what is inside without seeing it first, explain to them that is exactly what they are doing when they stereotype others: judging without knowing what is on the inside. Bernadette, you brought your notes with you? This journey will help your scouts to learn more about their own identify and sense of sell, while learning how to be emotionally, physically, mentally and socially healthy in their every day lives. How can you tell the women in these pictures are confident? Clearance. As girls arrive, have them sit and read (GG: 4-9). So, what are the important things that we are all saying here? If your scouts are just as excited as ours, be sure to head over to our Girl Scout Junior Guide on the Agent of Change Junior Journey and the Junior Outdoor Journey. Not only will the scouts begin to document how they use the Girl Scout Law in their lives, but they will search for ways that their heroines embody the Girl Scout Law. Each shape or form is unique The aMUSE journey awards do progress and build upon one another. You do notdo notdo not have to complete or adhere to every single activity or idea in the book. What each person says is important, so give each other the chance to speak. Start with rough images/ideas then elaborate. And sometimes its people I really want to get to know better and then I think Ive put up a barrier. I open the door and then I start mumbling stuff. They are usually painters, sculptors or fashion designers. Gold. Free shipping. You'll imagine, create, and try-out new roles for yourselves. She runs her own graphic design companyand shes 78! Everyone in the group was interested in helping people get along better, but no one was sure where to start. Do they feel empowered, limited, unsure, inspired, etc? Beauty qualities that are pleasing to the senses. Ceremony a special way to celebrate an important event, experience, or feeling. Make copies of the Prejudice Buster Contract, Gather contracts, pencils, whiteboard, dry erase markers. I get that stereotype all the time from my teachers and it is very hard. Sense of Self -the collection of traits or characteristics that describe you. What would you have tried differently? If an action or policy would be unfair towards a friend or group, the girls more easily saw the bias. Learn more about it. I open the door and then I start mumbling stuff. Seek Adventure High-Low Top. You should never just listen. Are there women who paved the way for you in your roles? The Playing the Past Junior badge pairs well with the aMUSE Junior Journey. ), Make copies of The Callback pages and Bronze Award page. Make copies of the National Forum on Kids and Prejudice. This might take a little trial and error as often we need a few tries to develop something better. How it affects them, how it makes them feel or how they wish things were. Figure out what happens next. These will become a special time capsule to show the different roles that each of your Girl Scout Juniors currently plays in their life. We asked the scouts to each invite one woman who inspires them to our panel discussion. Leave a comment below and let us know if youve tried the aMUSE Junior journey. The Try Out! Are the people are certain age or size? 2. The scouts record specific women or girls that the know, or heroines that they have learned about, the roles these women or girls have in society, and specific behaviors that support each role. Im sorry, Debbie. Bernadette:You should never just listen. Brainstorm a list of common stereotypes that the scouts are aware of either through the ads or their everyday life, including books, movies and TV shows. I will (1)______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________, (2)______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________, ____________________________________________________________, SignatureDate, ________________________________________________________________________________, WitnessWitness, Organize a park clean up with your neighbors, Assemble and five first-aid kits to flood victims, Teach younger kids about severe weather procedures and have them help you make first aid kits for flood victims, Mentor younger girls on healthy friendships, Make and donate blankets to an animal shelter. Make copies of the Listen to Your Inner Critic worksheet, Print photos of women and girls of varying sizes, shapes, ethnicities and ages doing something active (playing sports, dancing, cooking, gardening, on duty as a police officer or firefighter, leading an orchestra or in other work situations). Which roles werent chosen by anyone? Storytellers often start with an interesting heroine. I get that stereotype all the time from my teachers and it is very hard. 4) Your troop takes steps to recognize their own stereotypes and make progress towards overcoming them. Award in about 30 minutes. __________________________________________________________________________, Whats our call to action? The most important part is the storytelling through the stereotype busting comics or other medium of storytelling. Great. You can let someone know his joke isnt funnyHey, putting people down isnt very funny, or Lets be positive. Youre forgiven. award before the Speak Out! But, ethnic jokes are wrong. All Asians are geniuses and know kung fu. Explain to the girls that advertising experts have the job of selecting pictures to place in ads and on packaging for girls to see every day. But, thats a good idea. Junior aMUSE Journey | PDF | Fashion Accessories | Books - Scribd The girls can place sticky notes on pictures that they find especially beautiful. Ask: What do you think about the roles you chose for yourself? For each Girl Scout journey, leaders have the option to purchase two books: a leaders guide for the specific journey and a girls handbook for the journey. Beth Anne:Respect your own heritage. When we are trying to complete a journey in a day, this is often much more difficult. The girls can choose how they will share their story with their troop, their families, or within their community. The scouts will need to create a costume for their character. Finally, the scouts will need to learn more about endangered animals in The Arctic Circle, The Gulf of Mexico or the Amazon Rainforest. Like in sports, or in debating groups, school and community clubs. Ask them not to remove any of their sticky notes. Do you give yourself a thumbs-up when you do something that makes you feel good? Exactly! Yvonne and Bernadette had been chosen as coordinators and had met the day before to do some planning. Here at Creatingbutterflies we provide families with practical solutions to real life problems for everything parenting, scouting, dual language, and enjoying time outdoors. Thats really important. Mom is an educator and dad is a firefighter/paramedic. Feel proud of who you areyour strengths and talents. Check the ones she thinks are key, and write her reason beside it: What do you see and hear around you? The girls can add another representation of a role if they discovred another one or they can add anything else they felt from the game. What other roles do you hope to try at some point? Encourage the girls to discuss them. Any problems? Im Jewish but people dont know that when they look at me. ________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. These represent the highest honors a Girl Scout can earn. PDF Junior aMUSE Journey - -Girl Scouts of Northern Illinois Troop 1442- Each Take Action Project includes a special method of storytelling. Dont ever feel pressured to be something you are not. Because we have completed books from world authors from many countries, you necessity to get the sticker album will be as a result simple here. Add to Cart Quick View. Name 3 things that your inner critic might give a thumbs-down to that you really want to try: -------------------- Bronze Award --------------------, 7:00Bronze Award Explanation / Introduction, -------------------- Homework --------------------, -------------------- Wrap-up --------------------. They will decide if the pictures are right for the ad or not. No going back and telling your crowd at school what so and so said at the forum. Right! But remember, a Take Action Project is more than community service. Girl Scouts live on! Beth Anne:You can let someone know his joke isnt funnyHey, putting people down isnt very funny, or Lets be positive. But, because were starting with uswhats insidewe thought it was important that what we say in this room stays in this room. And no put-downs. Gather magazines/newspapers, pencils, coloring utensils, sharpies, scissors and paper. The girls should add a picture or word that comes to mind from this discussion. Cant wait until our youngest turns 5 and she can join. Other traits girls might use could include athletic, studious, creative, artist, brave, friendly, caring, etc. To pair this with the aMUSE Journey, you could include this with the girls Take Action Project by busting stereotypes about girls from the past. What were some steps the group thought would help fight prejudice? In this Girl Scout Journey, we are looking at what is expected of us as girls, our self-esteem, friendships, thinking positively, and various roles we can play in life. Which arent a good fit at all? Another idea is to have roles written on post-it notes. They can add it directly to their project or represent it by drawing or writing. The Girl Scout Bronze Award is the highest honor a Girl Scout Junior can achieve. Yvonne:And when you start in your neighborhoodswell, then you are making the world better, too. Role Charades 10 minutes: Write roles on index cards or little slips of paper. The possibilities are endless. Listening to my grandmother and reading those stories made me feel great inside. Which stereotype on our list limits you and other girls the most? They will need to choose one stereotype to bust or stamp out. Award, and the final two goals are the focus of the Try Out! These awards are placed together on the front of your sash. Like no interrupting! For these take action projects below, we focused on busting stereotypes for different groups of people. Remember, you want your story to educate and start some lasting effort toward change. 5) Junior scouts have the courage and confidence to try out new roles in your world. Think of it as an outline, or a book of ideas, rather than a lesson plan or curriculum. However, ceremonies and celebrations are such an important part of Girl Scouts and journeys. Roberta:Thats why its important not to stereotype people. Give them a moment to look around at all the roles stuck to them. Print out examples of Bronze Award projects. We are a family of 6 with 4 wonderful becoming bilingual children who loves scouting, camping, and hiking with their family. award, the scouts will work to discover a variety of roles that women and girls perform in todays society. Stereotyping is when we limit what people can do based on a persons gender, age, physical looks, or heritage. Find places where different people can work together. When we limit the roles people can play - even in our minds - we put people in a role we choose for them, rather than a role they choose for themselves. You know, its a small world sort of thing. Journeys | Girl Scouts River Valleys Ask girls to choose roles of the characters in the script. What solution did the group develop? Amazon and the Amazon logo are trademarks of Amazon.com, Inc or its affiliates. Whether you want to plant a community garden at your school and inspire others to eat healthily for your Bronze, advocate for animal rights for your Silver, or build a career network that encourages girls to become scientists and engineers for your Gold, youll inspire others (and yourself). Finally, your girls should prepare for their special badge presentation or take action project ceremony. Have the girls fill out the Stereotype Tracker based on their activities over the past week or two. award and finally the Try Out! Get Moving Journey in a Day for Juniors During this Journey in a Day program for Juniors you will explore what energy is, the importance of being energy efficient, and steps to take action towards living an energy efficient lifestyle. Let them come up with their own expectations. Ask for everyone to be quiet and assign a girl to start the friendship squeeze and say one thing they are going to do differently based on what we learned today. The girls will then put into action their take action project to help others recognize and overcome stereotypes or pursue new roles. The leader may ask the second girl to, Say that like you are tired. Other ideas include happy, scared, bored, whiny, in a hurry, as the teacher, etc. So we have usually opted for certificates to show the progress after each step and presentation of badges at the end of the journey. There are lots of reasons for poverty or homelessness, and theyre complicated. To save time on the Try Out! Kristin:And look beyond stereotypes that you might learn from TV and books and magazinesor even from adults. Then they will explore the different leadership skills that are needed to be successful in a specific role. Maybe we have our first stereotype. Now ask the girls to pile up any of the images they think should be changed because it doesnt represent a real view of the way girls or boys act in the world. - MEETING 2 Journey Award Purpose:When girls have earned this award, they'll understand how stereotypes affect roles. Casting Call Log for each scout page 28 in the girls aMUSE handbook, Stereotype Type Tracker page 27 in the girls aMUSE handbook, Stereotype Busting Comic paper or Comic Planner, My Inner Critic page 72 73 in the girls aMUSE handbook. My family is all mixed up, so I dont really think of myself as belonging to an ethnic group. The aMUSE Junior Girl Scout Journey has a few key takeaways for the girls. Were here to make a plan to fight prejudicestarting with ourselves and then working in our communities. Each Journey series is 4 meetings. Your troop should decide how they want to celebrate their progress and completion of the journey. A stereotype is an overly simple view of someone or a group of people. $30.00 $19.99. Her name is: _______________________________________________________________________________, She lives in:________________________________________________________________________________, She's worried about this kind of stereotype: _______________________________________________________, __________________________________________________________________________________________ She's worried about it because: ________________________________________________________________, __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________, _________________________________________________________________________________________, Her best friend is: ___________________________________________________________________________, __________________________________________________________________________________________, She likes to wear: ___________________________________________________________________________, Her favorite book/movie/TV show is:_____________________________________________________________, Her favorite hobby is:_________________________________________________________________________, She wishes for: _____________________________________________________________________________, __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________. -------------------- Schedule --------------------, 2:45-3:00Prejudice Buster Contract, 5:30-6:00Listening to Your Inner Critic, 7:00-7:30Bronze Award Explanation / Introduction, -------------------- Introduction --------------------, -------------------- Reach Out! But, why do people feel so uncomfortable? Yvonne:Like no interrupting! You know, its a small world sort of thing. Tell the girls that the have to guess what is in the containers and put labels on them, so you can store them properly. But, I think its harder when youre so visibly different. This website is served for you to back whatever to locate the book. Then observe how others use the product and try to capture 5 different ways that the product can be used. Brainstorm roles that women and girls have in todays society on a large sheet of paper. ***UPDATED JULY 2021!! Bernadette:Exactly! Honest _____________________________________________________________________________, Fair ________________________________________________________________________________, Friendly _____________________________________________________________________________, Helpful _____________________________________________________________________________, Considerate _________________________________________________________________________, Caring ______________________________________________________________________________, Courageous _________________________________________________________________________, Strong ______________________________________________________________________________, Responsible for what I say and do _______________________________________________________, Respect for myself and others __________________________________________________________, Respect authority _____________________________________________________________________, Use resources wisely _________________________________________________________________, Make the world a better place ___________________________________________________________. - Energy takes place in all different shapes and forms. Lets meet the participants at an imaginary National Forum on Kids and Prejudice. We will present our ideas and then decide as a team. To best pair this badge with the aMUSE journey, begin by exploring stereotypes related to camping or animals. This book is all about YOU! Enter your Name and E-mail to to Get Your FREE Girl Scout Leaders Campsite Guide with all the best questions to ask and a done for you packing list. Find out how they tried to make a difference. We would suggest asking the girls to each complete the Casting Call Log prior to your meeting. And so many chapters yet to be written. There are annoying people of all racesbut its more of a respect thing. Upload; Login / Register. Rather than enjoying a good book with a cup of tea in the afternoon, instead What stereotypes do you think girls my age face in the world today? Online Only. Continue the game until all the girls have had two or more turns at playing a role. It can be used as readers' theatre or (approximately15 minute) stage performance. The term journey here is an apt description! Report DMCA. The girls can add a feeling they have about stereotypes. Have the girls add one or more of their thumbs-up items with a word, image or color. Download PDF - Junior Amuse Journey [mwl17rq659lj]. Social Butterfly Junior Badge dives into the etiquette and manners of the day. Junior aMUSE Journey Activity Plan 1 Purpose: When girls have earned this award, they'll understand the many roles women and girls play in the world around them and the leadership skills they use. Get the girls moving with this role-play game about active roles for girls and women. How I Define Beauty 20 minutes: Provide about 5 minutes for your scouts to flip through magazines, art books, printed out artwork, pictures, etc.