One night he comes in and sits down. They went to Zeta Reticuli. (John Lear). And this person gave me pencil drawings of either what she had seen in the video or what Castello had described to her. And I said, I dont understand. J: Ah, probably, well, who knows? Among the entire roster of C2C guests, John Lear was among the most entertaining. I used to think it was evil. So were just trying to get to the root of what you know. J: .he got involved in MJ-12 Remember who Bob Oeschler was? And so we got out there just a little after dark. Do you want to go see? And I said, Yeah, but where can we go? He said, I know a back road to the test site without getting on illegal property. What he said he said there was a door. Can anyone confirm this? [25], On December 29, 1987, Lear posted a Statement to ParaNet, an early bulletin board system dedicated to the paranormal, claiming that the US government has close contacts with extraterrestrials and were secretly "promoting" films like E.T. K: No. "[40] Once he finished the speech, Moore immediately left the hotel and Las Vegas that same night. He talks about the non-terrestrial officers and I mean, the story just fits together. Those were my drawings. Why do you think you know so much, number one. Hey, where you been? You know. until I sat here and watched two or three hours of the tapes, and, I thought, you know, that guys been there. So over the next few months we started giving him information and one of the things we gave him was where we thought the alien was held at K: S-4? J: Yeah. He was back east one day, and I went with him, drove around for hours with him when I was flying cargo. We go down to Albuquerque and we look up Ernie Edwards and we talk with Ernie Edwards. Anyway, I got some sleep the next day and then I had this rented car and I tried to go up the Archuleta Mesa because what I wanted to do was see the spot where the nuclear craft had crashed, where Bennewitz said it crashed, because Gabe said, As far as I know, it did. K: Oh, really? And the next day Bob gets a call from his boss .. I can show you the place where I went to go up there. Subscribe. According him, John has estimated a population of 250 million humanoid aliens live on the moon. I got it! The saucer was about maybe 30, 35, 40, maybe 45 degrees angled. K: Oh my god J: And so, Im looking over his resume when Im talking he handed it to me. Does anyone know if John Lear ever lived in Harrisburg PA? K: Oh J: He used to talk about this all the time but not in too much detail. We drive out to Alamo and turn off the road to Rachel, and were almost up that hillway and the transmission went out. J: My what? He was 79 years old. This is a real photograph, a high resolution photograph, about 4 feet long, an amazing picture taken from what I believe was called Freedom Ridge. We cannot disconnect ourselves from the things he writes about. K: Yeah, thats beautiful, thats beautiful. We played soccer with them. #OurPain: The personal side of pain: John Lear - KLAS And I remember stepping off, down the stepway on the bus and looking up at the driver and I was so shocked. THE END FOR THE ART BELL NETWORK, MIDNIGHT IN THE DESERT! What about Bobbie Ray Inman? Lear goes on to say that none of us will know what went through the talk show legends mind during these troubled days.. As per him, the first journey to Mars too place in 1966. Then Bill Cooper called and said, I can vouch for I forget what he said, 50 per cent, or 100 per cent of what John Lear says and so I invited Bill Cooper up. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. J: Absolutely. Yes, John Lear was the son of Bill and Moya Lear and had a brother named David Lear. We discussed what was going on. Together, the duo also a daughter named Allison that completes his family. var sc_project=2343767; var sc_invisible=1; var sc_partition=21; var sc_security="2d1f75fb". And its not that I didnt believe it. That changed in the Summer of 1988, when UFO witness Bill Cooper made his first public comments on the ParaNet Bulletin Board System. It was about 30 minutes. And I thought I was there for the phone call. (7:00), Lazar alleges his employer at S4 was the US Navy. axant carisoprodol in his system, according to Clark County Coroner John Fudenberg. I mean its not going to happen. I want you to get in that car and I dont want to see you ever around here again. So we left, driving into town. [citation needed] From 2003 to 2015, Lear was a regular guest on Coast to Coast AM. Dad was on the board of the Lovelace Clinic. I havent seen them around but they may be around, I dont know. They sent him to Albuquerque to form the Lovelace Institute. There may be some kind of a war going on, but the basic theme, basically what Earth is all about, is development of soul. He told me that he was the guy at Pearl Harbor who set up the camera and got the documents out of the safe for the briefings of the high level Navy guys whod go through. His wife, Marilee is the owner of a California fashion modeling agency at Los Angeles, USA. His father, William, invented the Lear Jet in the 1950s and he grew up in a world surrounded by aviation. K: Did you see my interview with Dan? That opportunity came only a few days later" when he was contacted by fellow ParaNet poster John Olsen Lear. Unlike most of the convention's attendees, Moore did not stay at the same hotel that was hosting the convention. Dont worry about it. He said, No, Id like to find out. So he comes back the next day and says, John, your phone is tapped at the mainframe. He said, I went to my boss and told him about it and he said, If you want to keep your job, you keep your mouth shut. K: Wow. J: Yes. Now talking about his relationship, John Lear was a happily married and tied his wedding knot to Marilee Higginbotham in 1970. But all that stuff, along with Bennewitzs and some of his photos, were stolen. Leaked photo from Pentagon UFO task force shows Model in UFO mystery as bizarre craft flies Alien mothership lurking in our solar system could 1,000-year-old brick tomb discovered in China is decorated Irans Flying Saucer Downed U.S. Drone, Engineer Claims. It has flown in more than 150 test aircraft. of a father Bill Lear passed away in 1978. The charges for the crime were later reduced to felony pandering, for which he pled guilty and was sentenced to 150 hours of community service. K: Exactly J: They want it left, right, bad, good. Randy Lovelace was a surgeon in Wright Patterson when the Roswell thing happened. (John Lear) John Lear has been captain of the US Air Force, retired Pilot of the CIA; Son of . Saddam Hussein had stargate portal to alien world, Russian genius child says Egyptian Sphinx holds life changing key to Life beyond Earth, The UFO Society That Claims To Be In Contact With Gods From Space, NASA is hiring priests to prepare humans for contact with aliens. It would have exposed the entire cover-up. The document describing a secret government committee, Majestic 12, making a treaty with Gray aliens, only to later realize they've been deceived by the aliens. Its not. The trunk was open because I had gotten the telescope out, so we were kind of blinded. We are so frigging dense, you know, if we cant put that together. So Bob Oeschler finds Bobby Ray Inman at some public attendance, and goes up to him and says, How do I get in touch with MJ-12? And Inman looked at him and says, Let me see if I can help you. And so that started the interaction between Bob Oeschler and Bobby Ray Inman. Bob says, Look I cant afford to get caught. "[29] Could humans be the dominant species in the Universe, and we just Is an unknown space object a message in a bottle? Its that, you know, its yeah, well, maybe, you know. Flying into the Sun with John Lear A video interview with John Lear Las Vegas, August 2006 Shot, edited and directed by Kerry Cassidy and Bill Ryan. And I thought that me and theres only three guys in the world that knew where it was and reading George and stuff on ATS, he claims to know where it was but I dont know whether he does or not. K: Right. Doty was sent to disinform him along with Bill Moore, to make him look like an idiot. I wish I could go. That was the night he took George Knapp and Jim Taliani. This is a group not pretending to steal John Lear's identity and this is not his personal page either, though Mr.. Thats when I saw, you know, the degree from MIT and the degree from Cal Tech. Related Posts. Subscribe to our mailing list and get interesting stuff and updates to your email inbox. You think thats a scam? According to a source by John Lear, within the US Government. I mean, the whole group was, you know, my dad, Jimmy Doolittle, Hoyt Vandenberg, all those guys were together. It would end at 12. I dont know if youve seen my stuff on the internet about K: Yes. K: But whats Bobby Ray Inman got to do with all this? And the stories go on K: He was sort of his house was trashed, he basically left the governments employ. I said, Come on, we dont need to go any further. Elon Musk thinks its Save Humanity In Anticipation Of What? This has now been closed to public access but somebody took a lot of care taking some incredible photos. He came up, we talked and he told me At those times Bill was totally sane and rational. People built prisons and people still went to jail. Do you comb your house for bugs and things like that, or do you just not bother anymore? [41][bettersourceneeded], Lear's claims left a lasting influence on the UFO movementone author observed "in the early years [UFO writers] did not, by and large, embrace strong political positions. John Lear, Son of Bill Lear (Founder, Creator of Learjet Corporation), an accomplished and highly experienced pilot, explains how 9/11 was a 'scam'. The only thing, you know, that ever happened was when I was 9 or 10 years old. JOHN LEAR - Facebook And so supposedly they almost started a war over finding they couldnt do last rites on the body of their fellow astronaut. But anyway, I end up in Dulce, call up Gabe Valdez, say Im here, he says: Now, Ive got patrol tonight between 10:00 and 6 in the morning. And that happened with another person I didnt give that much attention to: Uhouse, Bill Uhouse. When he spoke, Moore said that he and others had been part of an elaborate, long-term disinformation campaign begun primarily to discredit Paul Bennewitz: "My role in the affair was primarily that of a freelancer providing information on Paul's (Bennewitz) current thinking and activities". Outside his work, Shrapnel loved mountaineering, skiing and music. Its all real. So we spent a couple hours here. K: Because there are some pretty decent people. J: Ive seen the day is 90 Earth hours long. J: All kinds of stuff was missing, as was at Bobs house. And he said, You cant be this interested and not be involved. And he didnt find anything, but anyway that started my adventures with Budd Hopkins. I read his stuff on ATS and he is so down on Dan Burisch. In an interview, former CIA pilot John Lear stunned the world by disclosing appearances, names, and details about the location of millions humanoid aliens residing on the moon. So I picked it up and I read it and it just absolutely hit me: This stuff is real. Hes got photos of airplanes, celebrities, his family Bill Ryan: Here we see a photograph of Area 51. TIL William Lear, Founder of the Lear Jet Corporation, named - Reddit He had around 87 plus followers on his Twitter account. John Lear, retired airline captain, with over 19,000 hours of flight-time, has flown in over 100 different types of planes in 60 different counties around the world. Anyway, I got back to Vegas and made contact with Bruce and this person tells me the whole thing about. was his name Castello? K: Oh do you. Designed and Developed by PenciDesign. John Lear, the son of the famed Lear Jet inventor, has splashed into the Art Bell mythology with a post on Facebook today.. Lear, known for his colorful beliefs in UFOs, and his long running argument that planes did not exist on 9/11 and the event was an inside job, wrote that a secret source who swore him to secrecy over the Bell's death in 2018 has now allowed him to reveal what he knows. Norman Lear Death Fact Check, Birthday & Age | Dead or Kicking Thank you for your help. So I ring the doorbell and he opens it up and he says, John Lear? Yeah. He says, Whats all that? He was afraid I was going to come in and move in with him! They come here. He says, John, your phones tapped. I said, Yeah, no kidding. He said, You know, Id like to find out where its tapped. I said, Hey, be my guest. So he comes back about half an hour later and says, Its not down Monroe, or Hollywood or Bonanza. By 1973, UFO mythology told of a UFO landing at Holloman Air Force Base;[24] A 'strikingly similar' landing served as the climax to 1977's blockbuster Close Encounters of the Third Kind. But its all about the soul, our nature, not being such murderous arrogant thieves. We found a government pen up there. I would play the disinformation game, get my hands dirty just often enough to lead those directing the process into believing I was doing what they wanted me to do, and all the while continuing to burrow my way into the matrix so as to learn as much as possible about who was directing it and why. K: (Laughs) Absolutely. J: No. [8][9], In 1956, Lear flew his first flight at age 14. But George Knapp, Ive known him for years. K: How much time was that? I still have the pencil drawings. You know who the Ravens were: sheepdipped guys that flew in Laos. Im taking my gun (he had a 9mm) and Im going out into the desert. He said, When they leave Ill come back. So we stop, he goes out into the desert, I take the telescope and start setting it up and they skid to a stop. This is an episode of On The Record, a 30 minute TV show broadcast on KLAS TV in Las Vegas in 1987. John Lear July 25, 2020. What happened to John Lear? Conspiracy?? - Please v. After a brief stint at Emerson College in Boston, Lear enlisted in the U.S. Air Force, serving as a . K: So where do you get your certainty from? It could have been an hour or so. [4] His second and third birthday parties were covered in the "Society" page of an Ohio paper. [16], Lear flew planes for the CIA between 1967 and 1983. I mean, that is just, if youll excuse the expression, crap. No cause of his death has been disclosed. RIP to the Legend John Lear. As an adult, he flew commercial planes as an airline captain for 35 years. J: Then it becomes hes going back and forth up there and so March 21st Im over at his house and hes designing a Doggy Death Ray. Some of them are not as advanced as we are, and some are more advanced. Ann Blyth's best known performance is of Veda Pierce Forrester in Mildred Pierce. His daughter was first to announced his death. THE SKOOKY THINGS 2021 ARCHIVE: TRUE CRIME, THE SKOOKY THINGS 2022 ARCHIVE: INTO THE FOREST, THE MAGIC OF THE DRIVE IN: OUR 2021 SUMMER SERIES, THE STORIES WE HAVE POSTED ABOUT THE RADIO GREAT, JOHN LEAR SPLASHES! He says, You know, its a good thing they didnt make any false moves. When we grow out of that well be able to go and play with everybody else in the universe, which is a great big wonderful place. B: Theres Castello, and theres Schneider. [31] Lear's speakers were slated to provide allegedly-independent verification of the Bennewitz claims. (John Lear). J: You know, I dont know. At the same time? It is still standing as a tourist attraction in Malta. Even before he made a splash in the UFO scene, Lear had already had a most sui-generis career: The disowned son of aircraft designer Bill Lear -founder of . We met a guy that said that underground in Area 51 that they .. J: OK. Kerry Cassidy: We were ushered into Johns amazing study. LA: Yes, it is something we all wrestle with. "[2][31][42], In 1970, Lear married Marilee Higginbotham, owner of a California fashion modelling agency, at a ceremony in Pacific Palisades, Los Angeles. Is Norman Lear Still Alive Or Dead? - Vim Buzz J: I didnt realize that. [2] In the second half of the 1980s, Lear was "probably the most influential source" of UFO conspiracy theories. John insists that this is flown covertly by the Navy Kerry: and what would seem to be the planes he loves, the planes hes flown. K: But have you yourself had any ET interaction that you know of? [23] In the 1950s and 60s, many UFO and contactee groups professed belief in Space Brothers, benevolent aliens eager to improve life on Earth. Lets get closer, closer. Bobs wifes sister was driving. They could make regular trips to Mars, we made regular trips to Mars in 1966. The sun is an electromagnetic sphere and what it does, it reacts with the electromagnetics of certain planets, all the planets in the solar system, which enables them to have atmospheres and environments just like Earth. Expert says Humans are Aliensand we were Brought to Earth Hundreds of Disclosure of classified X documents and archaeological Aztec origin objects found in NASA news: Apollo 11 astronaut sparks alien frenzy with tweet No Im a super soldier fighting in space war after being abducted by Russian scientists decipher extraterrestrial messages and discover a warning to humanity! I listened to George Knapp the other day. J: I said that on the internet I told what happened. Thats part of the Serpo story as well. Because Bill Moore has kind of gone black. Vic : An Interview with John Lear : 25 November 1989 : Welcome back. That typewriters out in the garage. J: He was one of the chargers on weird UFO stuff, mutilations, all that stuff in 1987, 88. I got it! 'Snowfall': Damson Idris & Dave Andron Break Down Series Finale Its an IBM, what they call Executive that had proportional spacing K: Right. He was just the guy in the office that set up the projector, and he did have the key to the safe. Now its like 11 or 12 oclock. And I remember watching TV. K: But weve been to Zeta Reticuli. And I ended up leaving there and driving with Linda and, oh, while we were there, Tom Adams Do you know who Tom is? [17][18][19], In 1980, Lear was covered in local press when he lost a billing dispute with his natural gas provider. I think it and Ill take the blame if its not. After the first night we didnt talk in here anymore. Show Notes: John Lear and Mainstream UFO 'Disclosure' And he said, I will answer your questions. J: . describe Area 51 and S-4. K: Thats really fabulous. Some of my own thoughts/notes from the show: John Lear was the one who suggested to art bell years ago that we humans are referred to as Containers by a mix of Alien Races that live among us, some A.I., some malevolent, some and there's plenty of speculation as to whether 'container' is a reference to the SOUL [4][5] He was named after his maternal grandfather, famous comedian John Olsen. Then we saw it. Aviation expert John Lear says we know of 70 different species of aliens, and the government is engaged in a program to gradually inform the public of encounters that have already happened. Norman Lear and Bud Yorkin were new to sitcoms when they started working on an American version of "Till Death Us Do Part," a British show about a grouchy racist and his long-suffering family . Billions just like Earth in various stages of development. (Videos). J: No. Now figure all the guys in Mission Control they were all like between 25 and 35. The last one to die was Gordon Gray, former Secretary of the Army, in 1984. J: at Los Alamos: YY-II. "John Lear, this is why we banned you!" And then post the reason why they banned me. J; You cant know that theres some parts that are correct and some parts can be disinformation. There is no doubt in my mind. The Statement references the 1952 Washington, D.C., UFO incident and a 1964 meeting with aliens at Holloman Air Force Base. Beyond the Stage Interview: Life in the theatre - News - Illinois State Sheriff was asking them about the the gun and the extra fifth guy - Bob. And Bob said, Theyre going to test fly tomorrow night. If you do a little searching you'll find that John Olsen Lear is still alive and living in suburban Las Vegas, although not in the best of health. K: What about Serpo? Tonight John talks about a universe that is much bigger than most of us realize. In the planet, Mars, there are 600 million extra-terrestrial creatures and some humanoid beings. J: (nods yes) Anyway, and then I left Bennewitz and he gave me the big X-ray of the little thing that the girl had in her neck and that I gave to him while I was there and I dont know what he ever did with it. Sit back and listen to the Godfather of Conspiracy on My Alien Life. He was arrested in 1990 for aiding and abetting a prostitution ring. -The population of Mars is around 600 Million and they are exactly like us. Lear described UFOs in connect with cattle mutilations and even claims that human mutilations have occurred. And I said, I see it! Lear was widely known for his claims about UFOs and Area 51, but also for a lifetime of daring exploits in everything that could fly. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. He told him 3 things: -Weve been going to the moon since 1962. 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It was about 7 or 8 oclock and he sat down. Greg Wilson was a Raven and I got to talk to him. It was those were crazy years. That was when me, Bob, Gene, Bobs wife and her sister rented a car because the motor home was out and something else was out so we had to actually rent a car.