An insult is also called ad hominem and is a logical fallacy. now watching vieira bros searching for giants. Personally, I'ven't even owned a TV since about 2003, getting my information/entertainment via the intertubes! November 2015 Racism November 2012 EvD is not a Right Wing Racist. This is SO typical of the professional skeptic class. 666, if you could point out any left-wingers around the Ancient Aliens crew, I'd be interested. Fringe believers aren't really politicians. Was there the birth of gods, nephilim, dinosaurs and now humans? Scherr and Scherr Alike Twin brothers Jim and Bill Scherr, from January 2022 By lining up passages on the stone with clues left behind by . As an organization that frequently hosts talks based on science and history (among other topics), its conceivable that TED has a close relationship with museums like The Smithsonian Institute and could be possibly influenced by them. Jim Vieira is well known to regular readers of my blog as a longtime giant researcher who combs old newspaper accounts for evidence of oversized ancient humans. I got to pick from that stuff, so I started playing around.. I think some of the issue is really just that there is a dismissive nature to those who carry opposing beliefs be it historical, political, or scientific people just tend to dig their heels in when approached with something that challenges their world view. There is evidence of ancient civilizations in the Eastern South Pacific Islands. JIM VIEIRA is a stonemason, researcher and writer. Jim and Bill Vieira, the Vieira Brothers, both stonemasons from a small town in Massachusetts, became interested in the subject of giants. Its important to note that Vieira has cataloged over 1000 historical published documents supporting the discoveries of giant skeletons by many different authorities. October 2014 Thanks for reading post tho.the article above blew my made me realize all the crazy stuff I've heard about for years maybe rwal. Jim Vieira - Facebook North Wind Stonework There are literally thousands. There's more about me in theAbout Jasontab. var sellablestring4 = "STAFF FILE PHOTO"; var sellablestring2 = "STAFF PHOTO"; community areas, where circus performers live when not on tour, in FL, perhaps in "giant land": maybe in some future time someone will dig up some grave-sites there and be convinced of a "race of var sellablestring3 = "STAFF FILE PHOTO"; Most are NOT on the internet. November 2019 I have no agenda and have not made a nickel from any of this. June 2018 July 2014 May 2012 Like a typical AA theorist, EvD is his patron saint. Billy Harman's Giant confirmed by Jim Vieira | Greater Ancestors In 2012 he created the online blog The Daily Giant that showcased a giant report every day for nearly two years. March 2013 Nan Madal in Phonpei is another one. Habsburgs Bill cites the British sculptor and artist Andy Goldsworthy as a major source of inspiration, and its easy to see why Goldsworthys tightly packed cairns and undulating stone walls, which can be found all over the world, capture something elegant and beautiful about the environments in which they appear, whether its the National Gallery of Art or a lone, rocky mountaintop. Twins shortstop Kyle Farmer having surgery May 8 to remove wires in mouth October 2016 August 2016 Jim and Bill Vieira, Hugh Newman, and prolic researcher Micah Ewers are like lions that have championed the cause of the continuing retrieval of information dealing with an overly fantasized, intellectually marginalized, and professionally ostracized sector of humanity. In yet, that line was said by him when he was in a classroom with his students where he was a professor at a university. Or do you feel that how the show was edited it took away from what all you guys really did while you were there filming? tag_id.innerHTML = ' Buy this Image'; Secrets in the Mounds and the Smithsonian Files.. May 2014 2) You are the only one with all the answers We look at everything we do as artwork, he says. Jim, the younger brother, came across a local history of Deerfield, MA, which told of how an 8 foot tall skeleton with double rows of teeth had been dug up near the town. We dud have mammoths in Ohio but that would make this super old. October 2015 I fully understand why genuine Racists have embraced the Ancient Astronaut position, And other Fringe Subject matters. var currentLocation = window.location; October 2018 That by itself puts you more in the "church and von Dniken" camp than me. WHAT IT'S ABOUT Brothers Jim and Bill Vieira are a pair of stonemasons from Ashfield, Massachusetts, who happen to believe in extinct 8-foot-tall giants, and in this series, they are out to prove . To assume they were all in on the hoax is more of a conspiracy theory than thinking that the Smithsonian was trying to keep the information hidden. I have great-uncles who were over seven feet tall. At 9:15 You share newspaper clippings from the 19th century, including quotes from Abraham Lincoln, and claim they are evidence of giants. You said you have found no evidence for giants over 8.5-9 feet tall, which therefore places your work in opposition to Viera's efforts to find giants above 9 feet. September 2013 Weve been blessed, Bill says. Also, what of the arches, stairs, and other features reported in conjunction with the wall? I think I will ask her a out any knowledge of what become of those artifacts. Jim Vieira is a stonemason and co-author with Hugh Newman of 'Giants On Record' He has collated 1500 newspap. The interesting of these are the latte stone quarry sites and Taga's House in Tinian. November 2021 There were about 25 found in archaeological excavations that were from 6.6 to 7.5. The sasquatch ARE who the bones belong to and the Smithsonian don't want nobody to know they ARE the missing link because religious thinkers wouldn't like you calling giants bones "sasquatch bones"~because THAT might make them the missing link so they HIDE the damn bones of the Sasquatch!~NOT right to steal their bones and hide the FACT they exist either!~Those bones ARE sasquatch bones~stop calling them "giant bones" when they are the sasquatch bones! TV Shows. if (photocredit.indexOf(sellablestring) > -1 || photocredit.indexOf(sellablestring2) > -1 || photocredit.indexOf(sellablestring3) > -1 || photocredit.indexOf(sellablestring4) > -1) { Thanks to a press release from A+E Networks we now know that the researcher is Jim Vieira, who along with his brother Bill . tag_id.innerHTML = ' Buy this Image'; He moved into a house on Bug Hill Road in Ashfield, a few miles from the quarry run by Ashfield Stone Company. Jim Vieira | Ancient Origins How large might they have grown in past days before treatments were available? One thing NOT disclosed on the episode was that the tooth we found in the cave, which looked human, turned out to be that of a Bison. July 2021 Visit the Smithsonian, because there in lies the real CULPRIT. Occult If you having something to add besides more of the same moronic drivel, do so. If the guys go I want to go too. More often than not, though, a project begins with a sit-down meeting with a homeowner to talk through needs and goals. Or they might be sought as warriors because they were frighteningly large. They could have just as easily put a note in the video title or description that says the talk may or may not necessarily contain factual, scientifically proven info without dragging the poor guys name through the mud would certainly stage them on a higher road- that was seemingly more professional. var currentLocation = window.location; White Nationalism, April 2023 Everybodyused to know that eating eggs was good for you, then in the late 60s everybody knew eggs were bad for you, and now today everybody knows theyre good for you again. I refer you to the entire history of the NBA and professional wrestling. Alternative Archaeology The ancient civilization of Greece is a historical period that has long been a subject of fascination and intrigue. Ive read this letter a few times and have come to the conclusion that much of it is a matter of stated opinions without facts or evidence to back them up the very same claim made by TED about Vieiras theories that justify its removal. He offered Bill a chance to try out a project for pay. Reading your "debunking" text above, this is what tells me. Have fun in dreamland. August 2013 var photocredit = photocredit.toUpperCase(); var sellablestring2 = "STAFF PHOTO"; They share the same quirks, and grammar, and even similar rhetoric that a lot of these people use. var sellablestring2 = "FOR THE RECORDER"; }, Bill Vieira, left, and Jim Vieira, at right, with a film crew for their new History Channel special, Return to Roanoke. CONTRIBUTED PHOTO But good stonemasonry stands up to the passage of time, and the Vieiras set high standards to ensure their work lasts. The Jews were a nomadic tribe always on the receiving end. But youd be surprised at the size of the stones you can move with just a couple of people and some bars and rollers.. var currentheadline = document.getElementById("headline").innerText; It reminds me of that line from Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade: Phil/ Steve St Clair. Relax while overlooking a foggy river at Marshy Point Nature Center. June 2017 No. Why would thousands of reporters and leading scientists of the day collude to create a fantasy story like this? Jim Viera in Massachusetts. Same stuff has happened thru all history, what would have happened to the world, how much farther would we be if the library at Alexandria wasn't destroyed,200 yrs of knowledge from all parts of the world tgat was much older gone, it's happened many times we don't know about, what do you think we are missing because of this, and the controlled history we learn? var currentheadline = document.getElementById("headline").innerText; Return to Roanoke: Search for the Seven: Directed by Brandon McCormick. The Smithsonian hired people to destroy & desecrate places like the Catalina Islands and all over America in the 1920's and they set the course for what was taught in American colleges. tag_id.innerHTML = ' Buy this Image'; Instead of attacking the evidence, they attack the person. Thank you, ASHFIELD Stonemasons Jim and Bill Vieira of Ashfield continue their hunt for the Lost Colony of Roanoke, in "Return to Roanoke: Search for the Seven" which will be broadcast Sunday night, March 26, at 9 p.m . >>>That spiritual crutch and flaw of homo sapiens? April 2019 July 2015 Lovecraft Bill? February 2010, Last month Nephilim theorist L. A. Marzulli. and they try to come across as being on a higher level of credibility directly after referencing that? Where are the physical remains of those disinterred giants, so frequently discussed in the 19th Century county and local histories of the United States? '"; In 2007 I was a visiting scientist at the Smithsonian Museum Support Center [] there is no conspiracy to cover up or hide Native American giant skeletons or artifacts. They have found large humans all through history. August 2014 That the real buriel ground for the GIANT SASQUATCH. Who, I might add, are bought and paid for just like all the people in the show. It's funny you want to talk about butchery in the name of the Crusades, but your answer to every believer in subjects not related to your beloved EvD was to line them up in front of a firing squad. In response to the claim that no bones of giants reside in any museum, eyewitnesses claim to have seen an unusual skull in Winnemucca, Nevada, allegedly recovered from the Lovelock Cave. '"; Listen, Even in the best novels when crimes occur there is still a thread of evidence present and this is a thread that for some reason is highly secretive and begs the research for the truth. Their records show a pharaoh who was 11 feet tall. Interesting that the comments here offer no contrary evidence, just opinion and/or insult. Movies. I wanted to try and pass it along to Jim Viera. Jim Twins: Reunited Brothers Find They've Led The Same Life September 2014 var sellablestring3 = "STAFF FILE PHOTO"; Perhaps you expect your readership still buys into that old myth that people in the past were shorter, in the face of all evidence to the contrary? And subsequently, the wall was magnetized in a uniform orientation. This is a lie. He's also the guitar player for the Baltimore-based cover band, Liquifaction. March 2012 I hate the fact our history is controlled n manipulated. But you just have to accept that as part of the process.. How many people will actually come forward or do their own dig based on thatIt is awesome that the television is bringing out those thingsbecause YOU know that a lot of history is hidden under the carpet because of the mainstream historians. Yes, there are a few right wingers in existence, the operative word being "few" - and that does not include people like EvD who do not want to start the Fourth Reich A Visual Tour (Video). September 2019 (Video), Pompeii Unveiled: Discovering the City's Most Amazing Secrets (Video), What Did Ancient Greece Really Look Like? Too much stuff to point that there is something here to have 2 brothers with no background looking for it? var sellablestring3 = "STAFF FILE PHOTO"; Know or. The Smithsonian curator in the 1920's had all the Giant Human bones destroyed and men like the Catalina man, Glitton, demonized. The truth doesnt care what other people think, so this argument from Ms. Kontrabecki falls flat and its at the top of the letter, its the main foundation for which all other critiques stem from. To find them is the quest the Vieira Brothers have launched themselves into. December 2020 var sellablestring = "RECORDER STAFF"; I believe when things are told to be through history no matter what that there is a fact of reality behind it. When someone pays up for stone, we think of them as patrons of the arts, and we really appreciate that.. tag_id.innerHTML = ' Buy this Image'; if (photocredit.indexOf(sellablestring) > -1 || photocredit.indexOf(sellablestring2) > -1 || photocredit.indexOf(sellablestring3) > -1 || photocredit.indexOf(sellablestring4) > -1) { tag_id.innerHTML = ' Buy this Image'; Written records, bones. How to Write a Multiple Sclerosis Caregiver Resume, Enjoying a Foggy Day at Marshy Point Nature Center, Travel Tips: 9 Ways to Make Your Travels a More Sustainable and Conscious Experience, Disclaimer, Disclosures, & Affiliate Notice. var tag_id = document.getElementById('buylink1home stonewalls 040116,ph3'); At 4:03 You claim: The moundbuilders who built all kinds of structures. All evidence for the moundbuilders architecture suggests that they built with sod packets and wood. Twins shortstop Kyle Farmer will have more . As long as my body holds up, I wouldnt want to be doing anything else., Bill is 50; Jim, 49. The talk being pulledis exactly one would expect to happen if there was a conspiracy, which lends credibility to Vieira. //LBtag_id.innerHTML = ' Buy this Image'; The brothers who look for giants got lucky history channel picked up their shiw, giving them funds to go look.but instead of us giving them tips, maybe we should either make a website, chat group or something, n possibly pool our tools, knowledge, theories, maybe even split costs of looking for the stuff we kniw instead of offering it up to them for free.I have some ifo, tools and will to go look for things but it's hard to know geology, history, science, genealogy, and many of the other things needed to do something like this correctly so we won't be laughed out of the places we try to get things tested or get to write a story about's just a thought but I doubt anyone would want to share their knowledge, time or anything else.times make it tough to trust.I get it.but wouldn't it be real. Be the first to contribute! April 2016 Its a medium rich with artistic possibility. Whether the Vieiras are working on a project for a homeowner or a commercial business, the priority, Bill says, is to fit the solution to the environment. May 2017 The interlocking stones used by the Vieira brothers of North Wind Stonework in Ashfield show off the varied colors and patterns laid down in these layers of rock naturally over millions of years. Perhaps such giants as could be found were buried together by some ancient tribes. Since laying stone is often just one aspect of a larger construction project, the Vieiras frequently collaborate with Rawlings Excavation in Ashfield. I am sure you are familiar with his legend which states that he was born in a manger surrounded by shepherds, What's your favourite Fairy Tales (and their possible origins), Egyptian Authorities Push Back on Cleopatra Portrayal. March 2018 If this tv program wanted this to be successful it would have involved most of the smartest illuminated researchers on this subject and brought to light that in Ohio there is the only known nephilim road in existence that runs 50-60 miles long called the "Hopewell Road". North Wind Stonework Native American author and professor of law emeritus, Vine Deloria, writes: Its probably better that so few of the ruins and remains were tied in with the Smithsonian because they give good reason to believe the ending of the Indiana Jones moviea great warehouse where the real secrets of earth history are buried.. October 2017 'Search for the Lost Giants' review: Unintentionally hilarious March 2017 March 2010 There are so many things in life we still don't understand and probably never will. This is the Vieira brothers second History Channel special on the disappearance of 117 colonists from Roanoke Island, Va., in 1587. 4) You disavow obvious racist ideology Vieira spends the last half of his talk on one of the more interesting pieces of his research: reports and documents indicating frequent discoveries of giant human remains in ancient burial sites and mounds. They smeared this man's name for no reason. Blogging Health, Fitness, & a Little bit of everything else. var currentheadline = document.getElementById("headline").innerText; April 2021 The Giants of Stonehenge and Ancient Britain is available at Amazon US: and Amazon UK: I had no idea one there is such a thing as minimum qualifications for gving a TEDx talk yeah it was strange when it happened. Vieira spends the last half of his talk on one of the more interestingpieces of his research: reports and documents indicating frequent discoveries of giant human remains in ancient burial sites and mounds. var tag_id = document.getElementById('buylink1home stonewalls 040116,ph2'); June 2013 Popular Culture When EvD says spacemen from another world started civilisation on Planet Earth he is no more being "racist" than the person who claims the Jews are responsible for creating the Messiah - and there's nothing more fascist than the belief in a Supreme Being claiming he's the Son of God. Return to Roanoke: Search for the Seven (TV Movie 2017) - IMDb By bringing together top experts and authors, this archaeology website explores lost civilizations, examines sacred writings, tours ancient places, investigates ancient discoveries and questions mysterious happenings. And of course there are probably hundreds if not thousands of skeletons residing in the Smithsonian, which has been busy suppressing evidence of giants for quite some time. Cleopatra, the last pharaoh of Egypt, is one of the most iconic figures in history. Not another subjective fabrication Nothing except an AAT trying to defend his racist patron saint. The Vieiras typically take up projects within an hours drive of Ashfield. Thank goodness. var sellablestring = "GAZETTE STAFF"; We believe that we should find evidence of larger people in megalithic graves and other sites that are the remains of an early post-Flood diaspora. January 2014 Francis Dymoke, a 67-year-old farmer from eastern England, will play a ceremonial role in the upcoming coronation of King Charles III, and carry forward an ancient royal tradition while at it. He cites scientific status quo, religious conflicts, and political reasons as driving factors behind a conspiracy to keep this information hidden from the public. The newspaper story states that someone at the Smithsonian asked that the skeleton be sent there, and the local doctor, named Parker, complied. Who take AU and Biblical Giants seriously my internet is so spotty all I have is basic cable (30 channels) I actually can't watch any of the before mentioned shows unless there is a marathon on History channel, but the reviews by Jason let me know I'm not really missing anything except a headache from the inside screaming at the stupidity of the shows I can't watch. The brothers work side by side on nearly all their projects, which have ranged from walkways and patios to retaining walls, stairsand stacked-stone artworks that resemble spheres, eggs, conical towersand rough stone mounds commonly referred to as cairns. Release Calendar Top 250 Movies Most Popular Movies Browse Movies by Genre Top Box Office Showtimes & Tickets Movie News India Movie Spotlight. }, The Vieira brothers consult often with Rawlings Excavation in Ashfield and work with architects, but most often they sit down first with a homeowner to talk through needs and goals. I have collected native american artifacts for over 50 years and know the area the grave (mound ) was found. Call me 325 627 6463. People may have revered them and wanted to bury them with importance thinking they were some kind if god. Otherwise stfu. April 2022 '"; August 2010 Stacking stone: The artistry of the Vieira brothers of Ashfield We live among giants in our time .look at our pro athletes. It was well played on Veira's part since he claimed it was part of the conspiracy to suppress his theories. If I dismantle EvD - I do so according the facts. December 2012 North Wind Stonework The rest of the letter outlines specific things that Vieira says during his talk which is all said to be false while providing zero proof that his statements are false or refuting them with an unrelated statement. var tag_id = document.getElementById('buylink1home stonewalls 040116,ph6'); (1) And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them, (2) That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they. Why is it so hard for people to believe in Giants, Aliens, Anunnaki, etc. Although there were strains on Monotheism, as outlined in the Bible where there was even a Jewish Goddess at one period. TED/TEDx is not a platform that allows unsubstantiated claims to be put forward as science. Almost every time a conspiracy theorist speaks, they say they are looking for the truth; but they never say they looking for the facts. I suppose that would make them, and you, the "mindless minions" you speak of, wouldn't it? var sellablestring = "GAZETTE STAFF"; In historic vote, Minnesota Senate passes marijuana legalization bill April 2015 Some have been in the film industry. At Ancient Origins we believe that one of. January 2016 His professional certifications include CASP, Sec+, Net+, MCSA, & ITIL and others. }, The brothers projects range from walkways and patios to retaining walls, stairsand stacked-stone artworks that resemble spheres, eggs, conical towersand rough stone mounds commonly referred to as cairns. February 2019 As well as exploring and writing about the stone sites of New England, he has written for Ancient American magazine, The Heretic (UK) and local newspapers. 1. pathway to victory sermon outlines . var sellablestring2 = "STAFF PHOTO"; }, The brothers projects range from walkways and patios to retaining walls, stairsand stacked-stone artworks that resemble spheres, eggs, conical towersand rough stone mounds commonly referred to as cairns. PDF future editions and ebooks to be amended and sources acknowledged. We come up with a lot of Fred Flintstone solutions to get the stone where it needs to go. We dont know if this particular skeleton suffered from gigantism, but the sheer number of articles around this phenomena is astounding. Ever read about the Sucahannocks in pa. Wwwspanishhill sayre pa on Murry's farm in a bural mound 68 skelitons were uncovered average size was 7 ft. [] If the 8-foot skeleton is real, it could be a case of medical gigantism, but it is more likely a case of exaggeration.. '"; For over 400 years, the disappearance of 117 colonists from Roanoke Island has been America's oldest mystery. June 2015 Jim Vieira - Biography - IMDb February 2013 No doubt there are many such current graves in the circus- That writing on stone i think it is white mans Interpretation of indians talking. //var LBtag_id = document.getElementById('buylinkLB1home stonewalls 040116,ph2');