GREEN ROOM- DAY 18 SIDNEY, GALE, DEWEY, JERRY, and MARICA walk into the GREEN ROOM and SIDNEY goes over to the door right beside the womens restroom on the right side of the small Green Room. You really missed out. MARTHAFuck you Darris! Download the Scream Screenplay PDF here! I went bananas.". MARK Sidney! Stupid people like you make me sick. WALLACE tightens his grip on his gun and readies himself to fire. TREVOR turns SHARP around and looks at the pathetic man. Scream 4 Script | Scripts on Screen You should be more careful about this. Why are you here today anyway? SIDNEYWell, we were here to do a play practice today. MARKOn a Saturday? SIDNEYThe competition is this Monday and a few of the kids are still having problems with lines. Thats really stupid whoever you are. We all have to go and if I have to I will drag you all out of this house with my bare hands! BACKSTAGE OF AUDITORIUM- EVENING 25 EVAN BLACK moves around in the left wing of the backstage area looking for the prop knife. SIDNEYWe need you for the play now. KIM Ok, just let me get my stuff together and Ill join you. SIDNEY (Smiling) Thats wonderful. COACH SHARP is now walking away from SIDNEY, giving her evil glances as he leaves. CUT TO: 45 INT. Do they have any suspects? MARKNot yet. At least the film gave her much more to do. SIDNEYI need Kim for her part in the play. SHARP Shes not finished with her running. SIDNEYYou have obviously had her all day so far and I need her now! You see me every night in your dreams dont ya Sid? They say that their hands are tied. Several of the NEWSCASTERS over hear SIDNEY and see the three walking toward the Auditorium. The killer lets loose of the hold and drops to the ground. I knew that somehow this would all end up here on the stage and the killer would reveal himself, or herself, in the end right here. You should know this. SIDNEYI know Mark. Scream 4 - Early Draft | PDF | Horror Films - Scribd He did manage to kill Detective Mark Kincaid. JUSTIN Well, just to be sure, Im going to go lock all of the windows and doors. VOICE (Off screen) Youre too late! Suddenly GHOSTFACE comes out of nowhere and slashes JUSTINS throat. CUT TO: 33 INT. CUT TO: 83 INT. He runs over to the first desk in the room and tries to find a phone. It is so good to see you again! SIDNEYSame to you Mark. MARKEverything is ok with us right? SIDNEY (Smiling) Mark hunny you and I both knew that it would never work out, but yeah were fine. She puts the coat on and begins to walk back out of the room again, when suddenly from out of the work room at the far end of the room, the door opens to reveal GHOSTFACE that comes out of the door with a knife in hand. MARK grabs the knob and starts to twist it. She then pulls a glass and a fork out as well and places them on the same counter. Courteney Cox has just confirmed, during a podcast interview with Variety 's Marc Malkin, that her first draft has been signed, sealed, and delivered to her. MARKIm at the Woodsboro High School and someone has just been killed over here The killer bends over and takes his knife in hand as he pulls up the wire for the telephone. They are from the minds of Wes Craven, Kevin Williamson, and other people from Dimension Pictures. COULSON screams as the killer struggles with COULSON to try and stab him. The two ladies land with a thud on the ground. MEGANAlright so Mrs. Poole says You could help us Ms. Reilly! and then I say Sorry Mrs. Poole. Ill look down at Syble and then say What happened to her? CUT TO: 3 INT. The killer just looks down at MARTHAS now lifeless body and jumps out of the Jacuzzi, just as a car pulls into the driveway, obviously belonging to the neighbors that live in the house that MARTHA just got killed outside of. This school always wins at sports, and the schools just want to make sure that we dont win at the drama as well. COULSONOh, you dont really know that to be true. She looks back to see that SIDNEY is getting into her red Mustang, and DEWEY is getting into his car. How SCREAM 2's Script Leaks Saved the Movie from a Lame Twist VOICE (Off Stage)Dont you move a muscle you bastard! ANGELINAWhos back there? VOICE(Off stage) I wouldnt recommend investigating Ms. Tylor! The person in the dark moves farther onto the stage, and into the light. 4. I know what Im doing. PATRICKI sure hope so. DEWEYGuys, just trust Sid on this. CUT TO: 66 EXT. THEATRE LOBBY- NIGHT 9 MEGAN runs out of the Auditorium door and starts for the exit doors. MARTHA pulls the phone back up to her ear. They all stare down at SIDNEYS motionless body. SIDNEY walks over to the body and bends down to it. Scre4m First Draft Screenplay Written By: Michael T. Kennedy Based on Characters Created By: Kevin Williamson And Ehren Kruger f 2 FADE IN ON A GRADUATION GOWN A hand reaches for it, pulling it close to the body of SANDY PETERSON, a young girl, aged 17. At this point it is now known that it is GHOSTFACE that has just been coming up the steps and toward the JANITOR. GALE slowly stands up and walks over to the three boys. GALEIs he dead? SIDNEY simply shakes her head in sadness and despair. As Wes Craven put it, "It evolved a lot.". Kim can never get her running done because of your stupid ass play. FOOTBALL FIELD- DAY 22 SIDNEY walks out onto the Football Field where the track is also at, circling around the field. As Ive said before, the is the only place thats real. MARICAI bet your wife really hated that. DEWEY (Laughing) You have no idea Marica. The three people suddenly hear someone running up to them. However GHOSTFACE has come down the steps and is slowly stalking after COULSON. Please try to find that knife while youre not on stage alright? EVANSure Ms. Prescott. SIDNEY Thank you. The Woodsboro Murders, The Windsor College Murders, and finally The Sunrise Studios Slashings; what a fucking waste. Scream 4 Script - Suddenly GALE turns around here the sound of running behind her. Now get on that fucking stage and help us strike it! JERRY (Saluting)Yes sir! GALE turns around again ready to choke her cameraman when he suddenly starts running for the stage. A surprise cameo just for you. TORY SPELLING turns around and looks in shock as the backstage door opens and JENNIFER JOLIE (PARKER POSEY from Scream 3) playing GALE WEATHERS comes into the room. GALE has finally had enough of this and just punches SIDNEY right in the face. GHOSTFACE #2 Listen to me now! But how can you entice people to buy when horror wasn't really selling at the time? SIDNEY shakes her head and changes the channel again finding Laurie Strode being attacked in the closet by Michael Myers. Apperently they intended for it to end with a cliffhanger. Then the ladies hear someone calling from down the hallway. WOODSBORO SCHOOL- NIGHT 10 The killer who grabs a hold of her by the hair and swings her around stops MEGAN. JERRYI cant get a clear shot! CUT TO: 73 INT. 'Scream 4': What plot twists didn't make it to the final film LO connection to the original films, how the main character's a Mary Sue- CUT TO: 87 EXT. Scream 4 | Scripts on Screen I just needed them because they were the best for the parts. She turns back to the script and hits her head. SABRINA is the first one out. TREVOR sees that SHARPS gun is lying at his feet. However, MARTHA uses what little strength she has left to push herself up and knock the killer off his feet. The iconic slasher series is now being revived with Scream 2022 . I guess it all just reminds me of how great my staring role in The Fall of Troy at Windsor was. DEWEYIm sorry that it was canceled in the end Sid. SIDNEYWell theres no need to be crying about it now is there. The story is pretty weak, requiring quite a suspension of disbelief, as is the case with the majority of the Scream sequels. The killer then pulls his knife back out and stabs MARTHA in the stomach. She looks down the rest of the hallway and sees how amazingly dark and creepy it is. SIDNEY, GALE, DEWEY, MARICA, and KIM run in to join PATRICK and TREVOR in shock. COULSON gasps for breath as he falls down the steps and lands right on his stomach making the knife go even farther in his body. HALLWAY- EVENING 40 SIDNEY, GALE, and DEWEY begin to run down the hallway, DEWEY limping because of his many old wounds. Im going to have to talk to that boy again. TREVOR (Laughing) Yeah I guess so. Im sorry Mr. Patton, but the answer is no. SIDNEY, DEWEY, and MARICA begin to walk away from the stunned MR. PATTON. positive reviews and financial success, earning $173million worldwide. The two ladies walk toward the front entrance to the school and start inside. Take a look at this select page that showcases both voice and skill. You and your wonderful books just make me sick. Listen did Justin put you up to this or something? Im Detective Mark Kincaid from the L.A.P.D SIDNEYSpeaking of that, why arent you in Hollywood? MARKWell, I was just getting to that Sid. BAND ROOM- NIGHT 12 MEGAN runs through the double doors of the band room and stops as soon as she enters. There is still no word from the police as to who this killer may be, so we can only hope that eventually the killer will be found and convicted. So I waited and waited. DANIEL smiles as he realizes who was calling for his coach. SIDNEY looks down at GALE coughing up blood. MARICA sits beside her. Why did you come? SIDNEY Guys, I need to tell you all something. As EVAN looks for the knife, he can hear AMY and KIM continuing to say their lines on stage. You sound like youre really concerned. MOTHER (Voice Over)Well, you know that two people were killed at your school last night and well, there are rumors that those deaths are connected to the killings that happened several years ago. WOODSBORO HIGH SCHOOL- NIGHT 66 The car pulls up to the AUDITORIUM ENTRANCE to the school. Hello? MARK starts hitting the phone trying to make it work again unsuccessfully. Talk to ya sometime tomorrow hunny. MARTHA Alright mom. I was thinking it was some people from the soccer game, but thats not supposed to start for another twenty minutes. Trevor just wanted to use his name, so I allowed it. GALEWhatever floats your boat I guess. But the original Williamson script for S4 has some serious problems. SIDNEYS LIVING ROOM- NIGHT 54 The phone starts ringing startling SIDNEY who was intensely watching Stab 2. The four people start struggling around to keep control of the situation. The killer grabs a hold of the knife and quickly pulls it out of COULSONS body. They are both wearing all black and glasses. Just dont forget to change into your Haggis costume afterwards alright? TREVOROf course Ms. Prescott. TREVOR walks back out of the Green Room again. They decide to take the nearby hallway that leads back toward the rest of the school. EVAN screams as the killer slashes EVANS throat silencing him as the boy falls to the ground. SENIOR PARKING LOT- NIGHT 13 MEGAN runs out of the building and out into the senior parking section of the school parking lot. Forgot that you used to be one. MARK(Laughing) Yeah Ive been pretty helpful so far seeing as which Ive dealt with a lot of psychos before, especially ones that like to walk around wearing white masks. SIDNEYAlright, well be in the Auditorium if you need us. MARKThats great, oh and its wonderful to see ya again Sid. SIDNEY (Smiling)Same to you too Mark. SIDNEY and MARICA start to walk away from MARK and down the hallway moving past all of the other people. And some of this criticism is justified - adding the ridiculous Bruce Willis line (which screams (!) How did you know? SIDNEYWell, most people that have even the smallest brain know that most people have caller I.D. Isnt it wonderful? AUDITORIUM FLOOR- NIGHT 82 SHARP collapses completely from the blast and is silent. AMY has blondish brown hair and is a little shorter then TOSHA who has curly brown hair. MEGANHello? VOICE (Off screen) Megan its me. MEGAN (Relieved) Thank God. MARK falls to the ground in pain as he tries to get back up on his feet. TREVOR then punches SHARP right in the face sending him falling off the stage and to the unforgiving floor below. Gotta make sure that all of the rooms and other sections of the school are locked off for the evening. MARTHA sighs angrily and walks back over to the phone and answers it. Listen, maybe you should go over to one of your friends tonight. MARTHA (Confused) Why mom? LINEBERRY HOUSEHOLD- NIGHT 58 SIDNEY jumps out of her car with GALE and DEWEY not too far behind. She said that shed try to be waiting down here for me, and yet, what a surprise, shes not here yet. Let's learn from the Scream script and see how it can help us with our own writing. SIDNEY Hello Robert Morris. We all three have been a part of that fan film for quite a long time now. now a days. SIDNEY hears the phone clicking off. Theres nothing that you can do to control those nightmares, and now that nightmare is staring you right in the face. However, she stops herself realizing that she hasnt even called SABRINAS to make sure that she can even go over to her house. Hes going to hope that Im with the searchers. All three boys point their guns at SIDNEYS head, and fire the guns at the same time. Suddenly KIM HOOPINGARDNER in her MARY KRYROVICH costume comes out on the stage stomping her feet as she carries a shovel. You are going to be in big trouble if you dont stop. GHOSTFACE (Voice Over)Whos Darris? MARTHAVery funny Darris. TREVOR, PATRICK, and DANIEL run out of the Auditorium to just to see GALE and SIDNEY go through the exit to the school. Behind them, holding hands, are EVAN BLACK and SABRINA O CONNELL. Whats next? You know this just as much as I do. The second GHOSTFACE pulls his mask off with the free hand to reveal himself as none other then COACH SHARP! CUT TO: 70 INT. Archived post. However, as she nears the neighbors house, she realizes that it looks like the neighbors arent even home, or their in bed. 5 6 r, , M M ZO O 2U U V 4W dX X \ ] ^ ^ d e Hi i j hj xl l l m m _n >q uq r s x y k | ? Z W D m $ j n h~j >*CJ OJ QJ ^J h~j h|O CJ OJ QJ ^J h~j CJ OJ QJ ^J h~j 5CJ OJ QJ \^J We have a nice surprise for the fans of Scream (2022) today: the first draft of the screenplay written by James Vanderbilt and Guy Busick! The two ladies struggle around on the ground, KIM showing just how brutally bad she can be as she kicks some ANGELINA ass. THEATRE LOBBY- EVENING 32 The four heroes emerge from the band hallway and enter into the Theatre Lobby and look all around for the killer. DEWEY Whats going on? GALEA crowding in this small room is whats going on. ANGELINA (Smiling) Well, looks like someones at Dr. Jekylls door. I dont want any more people to be killed. DEWEYSame here. GALEWell, lets get going. SIDNEY runs to her car while GALE and DEWEY get in theirs and follow SIDNEY while she starts off toward JUSTINS HOUSE. Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. I think we need to go ahead and set the stage. DEWEYSure. GALEOf course. The first thing to appear on the TV is a newscaster. DEWEYI was wondering when you would show up. GALEIve been here for a full day already actually. DEWEY looks confused. Hes successful in finding one and he picks it up and starts dialing numbers into the phone. It was Megan Murphy. MARICA turns away in sickness. GHOSTFACE just stares down at MARK as he moves his hand up to the doorknob. D TOSHA and AMY sit huddled on a small couch watching the television. PATRICK and TREVOR are sitting in a couple of seats side-by-side laughing about who knows what. DOC Scream 4 - SimplyScripts We better start thinking of something to do when we get there. Scream 4 is criticized for throwing away Williamson's script at a certain point and bringing Scream 3's Ehren Kruger back in for rewrites. AUDITORIUM WITH GALE AND SIDNEY- NIGHT 76 SIDNEY stands up and starts running up the ramp to the exit doors, but GALE runs after her and grabs a hold of SIDNEYS hair. GHOSTFACE runs up to COULSON and grabs a hold of him by the throat. GALEWho is that? SIDNEYits Mr. Patton, the main principal here. GALEHoly God. SIDNEY Lets get out of here. The three people separate again and go to their respected cars. Mark thought I was crazy, but still allowed it. AMYWell, hello Ms. Kryrovich, and I can tell by the look on your face that youve had a very lovely day indeed. KIMThe stupid dog of the master has been digging in my garden again! Dont you remember me? Im telling you Ms. Prescott I dont know what happened to it, but I did my part. SIDNEYWell, I just want you to be more sure. AMY Hes a bit too proper to suit my tastes. MARICANeither I nor the doctor are prunes and Ill thank you not to be comparing us to those common types that dally about in your kitchen. AMYAh, Mrs. Poole dont you get Suddenly Amy stops talking as she hears the final screams of EVAN BLACK. PATRICK has spiked brown hair with some blond coloring in it. They all hear people coming up from behind them. Shes very persistent of getting help.