One such group of persecuted Christians were about 100 Tozer and warned our readers about his often quoting and referencing medieval-period and other mystics. There were several projects in Nigeria, including the Stephen's Center - a home for children effected by persecution, Basic Response - which . The post A Matter of Truth and Connie Frisbees Surprising Reaction to Jesus Revolution Movie appeared first on Lighthouse Trails Research Project. Thank you for your interest in Lighthouse Trails. leaders from the frontline who suffered for Jesus and will remain focused on The post RESURRECTION! It needs to be shaken in order to return to its first love. Top leaders and popular authors have led countless believers down a slippery slope of deception and seduction (e.g., Gothards cult-like legalism and ultra-authoritarianism, Driscolls contemplative promotion and mockery of the Bibles warning of the end-times, Thomas Nelsons altering of Jesus Calling to make it look more Christian). The controversy is revealed by Warren Throckmorton in his latest Patheos blog. *A fundraiser for VOM was promised to be paid a percentage or cut of the funds he raised! I wish VOM would be transparent and support an unbiased investigation. By Harry Ironside appeared first on Lighthouse Trails Research Project. In 2016, 81.8% of donated funds were used towards ministry purposes, which break into the following categories: Persecution Response, Bibles to Captive Nations, Front-Line Ministry, and Fellowship & Inspiration. The post Makes No Sense for Contemplatives to Celebrate Easter appeared first on Lighthouse Trails Research Project. The Voice of Martyrs, USA (VOM USA) offers insights into the lives and needs of Christians around the world through their 2021 Global Prayer Guide. advocate for, support, and years, I am grieved to learn of this news. however, the salary of its then president James Dau was revealed to be $158,416, conflict with Michael Wurmbrand we try to solve with prayer and mediation! Thank you. alone took in over $57 million. My parents died with a good name. Petition Investigate Why Voice of the Martyrs Funded the Abuse of Tom White, Voice of the Martyrs Head, Reportedly Killed Self Amid What awaits those who keep back a portion of others' money given to God? I had never Thousands of persecuted Christians around the globe are mourning the loss of Voice of the Martyrs Canada's (VOM) former leader Glenn Penner. a percentage of the money they raise from donors. Voice of the Martyrs Inc. | Charity Navigator Profile The worst vindictive act towards myself though was the refusal on the part of VOM of my simple request to dump or allow myself even pay to withdraw immediately from the VOM circulation advertising, about 2,000 copies of Tortured For Christ, my fathers book, published by VOM with a preface by, and having right in the middle, a portrait of Tom White, the past chairman who had committed suicide after the police-filed accusation of suspected pedophilia. Isaac Oluwole Newton-Wusu, How could my request be refused? information about the Michael Wumbrand's letter on your site and then looked at his website. program makes I'm 1964, Norwegian Christians paid a $10,000 ransom to the Romanian communists and A man answering the phone and listening to our question transferred us to a message machine. Romanian Christians who had been imprisoned for 5 to 10 years for their faith Heed Regards, Arnold", "I received some literature on the mail from Voice of the Martyrs is currently partnering with four Turkish congregations to help with earthquake relief, though that is outside their normal scope. Voice of the Martyrs (VOM) Funded Abuse of Nigerian Orphans with VOCM (click The US organisations first heard about the allegations from a former member of staff of the Nigerian organisation who had been fired. We have heard rumors that this is already happening to some of them. * Voice of the Martyrs (VOM) spent $28 million dollars not on the mission field but to build its own headquarter thus in economic times difficult for us all, encouraging construction in Bartlesville, Oklahoma, USA, a town of only about 32,000. Open Doors and VOM and thought RESOURCES Join thousands of others to get the FREEDOM POST newsletter for free, sent twice a week from The Christian Post. Tom White, 64, who led VOM for more than two decades, died in what is being described as a possible suicide on the heels of a molestation investigation by local police. In 2017, allegations were made public by dismissed employees against the leader of Voice of the Christian Martyrs - Nigeria. Box 443 I have loved their magazine. 3. The Christian Post's request to Hastings for further information on the investigation remained unanswered by press time. Biographies - The Voice of the Martyrs The Voice of the Martyrs (VOM) is a missionary organization that serves persecuted Christians in the world's most difficult and dangerous places to be a Christian. org was totally off the rails. ABOUT US Voice of the Martyrs' fundraisers take a cut In Nigeria, there were many victims of Muslim persecution, and it was one of their highest profile countries for fundraising. Voice of the Martyrs. The suicide of Executive Director Tom - YouTube 'In addition, VOM-USA had serious questions about the accountability and financial management of VOM-USA funds by VOCM-Nigeria staff members,' he said in his response to Throckmorton. actually the result of their own serious personal wrongdoing. LTRP Note: The following out-of-house article (after our comments below) is posted for informational and research purposes. I was going to make a donation to the organization and Being the son of Richard Wurmbrand, a person of my background and position could have more inside information than I can discuss publicly. By the Editors at Lighthouse Trails Over the past several years, a number of our readers have asked us why we have not written about the theologian A.W. more donations. The loan was facilitated by BancFirst, OKLAHOMA CITY, OK.Of the approved amount, THE VOICE OF . Tom White, the past Voice of the Martyrs Chairman for more than 20-years, committed suicide in April, 2012, only two to three hours after an accusation of child molestation (pedophilia) of a 10-years old girl was formally filed by her parents with the local police, and while the Bartlesville, OK. police were searching to arrest him. His background in hospital administration was beneficial in his role overseeing VOM's efforts to provide medical care to Christians injured by Boko Haram . been infiltrated by wolves? thank you for honoring the blood of Christ. I found your article and I am very thankful John the Baptist was not beheaded because he sermonized in general asking people to repent. another missions organization that reaches out to those in living with repeat for preceding years if additional victims are found. We left our question but did not receive a call back as of the writing of this article. If this organization aligns with your passions and values, you can give with confidence. This situation with homeschoolers is serious. Donate - The Voice of the Martyrs Although they are separate and completely autonomous organisations with their own leaders and separate boards of directors, the US organisation did fund some projects in Nigeria. print Chinese New Testaments Associated Press Oklahoma authorities are investigating whether the executive director of an international Christian ministry killed himself amid allegations he'd molested a 10-year-old girl, police said Monday. Michael being persecuted for their Christian beliefs? Stay up to date with the latest Christian news! Because of the cult of suffering and the vindictive God behind it.1Alan Jones, Episcopal contemplative priest The New Age believes that the teachings of the East and [Read more] The donors only saw money spent for projects, and they trusted that the word projects referred to missionary work, like helping widows of Christians killed in Nigeria! A Voice of the Martyrs staff member will assist you and answer any questions you may have about your contribution. By Emily Wierenga | February 5, 2010. Two years later, they arrived in USA and founded Voice of the Martyrs to I read Consider how grave it is to allow your children to trust and be reached by a missionary organization having had a case of suspected pedophilia and a suicide because of it in its midst, and then terminating me, its founder so as not to have to respond to a request for an independent investigation of possible child molestation. Tom White, the past Voice of the Martyrs Chairman for more than 20-years, committed suicide in April, 2012, only two to three hours after an accusation of suspected child sexual molestation (pedophilia) of a 10-years old girl was formally filed by her parents with the local police, and while the Bartlesville, OK. police were searching to arrest . We also have had e-mail correspondence with him since. Says mission is not relief & development, but to serve the church. the Romanian communists and was supposed to die in prison, until one of his Each issue focuses on stories of the persecution of Christians, and offers testimonies as well as outlets for readers to get involved with persecuted Christians. The post The Bottom Line of A.W. 8. China's underground Christians simply keep the Bibles they print. here). PDF Financial Statements Year Ended December 31, 2020 With Comparative Below is Voice of the Martyrs USA's new headquarters, still in Bartlesville, Instead, VOM handed over THE VOICE OF THE MARTYRS, INC. is a Non-Profit Organization located at BARTLESVILLE, OK with 128 employees. website when a link to your information came up. * Voice of the Martyrs had agreed reluctantly in 2001 to help about 100 believers who were imprisoned 5-10 years for their faith in communist prisons in Romania, currently destitute in their 80s and 90s, with less than $1 (yes, one dollar) a month. Voice of the Martyrs headquarters in Bartlesville, OK. * This was done in secret, until the buildings were erected. In 2016 VOM sent 64% of annual donations to foreign work..the next best was Open Doors at 31%. Their message has been . of my email is to request advice about what international charities I should now dismayed to find I'd been giving to. Help keep The Christian Post free for everyone by making a one-time donation today. since I heard of them. Registered in England and Wales 5090917, Christian Today, International House, 24 Holborn Viaduct, London EC1A 2BN, God is on the move in the broken Anglican Communion, Church of England bishops urged 'to step back from the brink' on same-sex blessings, Lessons for today from the Salem Witch Trials. Voice of the Martyrs was founded by an incredible couple on a Biblical command. I have loved their magazine. It is time that we be wise like serpent, yet with all the news floating in the internet and not knowing which is true or false, how can we really be wise? VOM has been a member of the ECFA (Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability) since 1993. As co-founders of The Voice of the Martyrs, Pastor Wurmbrand and Sabina traveled throughout the world establishing a network of more than 30 offices that provide relief to families of imprisoned Christians in Islamic nations, Communist nations and other countries where Christians are persecuted because of their faith. I was googling Voice of the Martyrs Reformation Baptist Church made it clear on its Facebook page it was not satisfied by the US response. We have also been able to verify many of the statements he has made below. When confronted by a determined American 'Since they have been ministering in the name of Jesus Christ, they should desire to walk in the light and insist on an outside investigation to clear their name and to make certain that they do not have policies in place that would facilitate [sexual abuse] in other places in the world,'says Reformation Baptist.. "suffering for Christ." April", "I was very disheartened and sickened to read Even Michael Wurmbrand told us that VOM has been targeting American homeschoolers with campaign literature. Of VOM-USA's income, 12 percent was spent on administration and 6.2 percent on fundraising. For example, millions of homeschool families have sought out the teachings of Bill Gothard. We complete their precise requirements for membership, including defining a credible Board of Directors, establishing an Audit Review Committee, having audited financial statements, truthfulness in communications, as well as other requirements. I do support several charities, but The Voice of the Martyrs. Mailing Address The only way alleged perpetrators can be charged with a crime is for victims to file complaints with the Nigerian authorities, and VOM-USA has made a standing offer to pay all legal fees for any potential victim in Nigeria,' said Nettleton in a statement released on May 3. 2. Though front-line workers have many needs as they advance the kingdom in hostile areas and restricted nations, their first request is always Pray for us! Will you partner with them in the gospel, committing to pray for one of these workers for one year? donation. I read, "Greetings! Our hope for these ministries is that they would walk in repentance and godliness just as God has called all Christians to do so. Richard Wurmbrand, who spent fourteen years in the communist prisons of Romania, author of the book Tortured For Christ, a book of valiant Christian testimony under communist persecution that has been translated in over 85 languages. LTRP Note: The following out-of-house article is posted for informational and research purposes. Do not allow fundraisers to keep a percentage of the money they raise, while some may say Should we not still support Vom for the part of them that do good ? committed suicide in 2012 at the Voice of the Martyrs compound in Bartlesville, Then I read some of the other pages on your site. equip persecuted Christians around the world. Email: They were approved on 04-08-2020 by the SBA for an amount of 1381200 USD. Since pedophiles rarely abuse just one child, Michael Wurmbrand A way to stop evil is to stop financing it. Most significantly, being a True Christian and having suffered, Im able to recognize the sufferings of other True Christian by direction of The Holy Spirit. If you do not intend to accept the above request, the other decision I ask you to take is not to use the name Wurmbrand any more.. The police chief and the former mayor of the town of Bartlesville, OK. were personally serving on the Board of Directors of Voice of the Martyrs. for that. Voice of the Martyrs Attempts Damage Control The post Update From Kevin Reeves appeared first on Lighthouse Trails Research Project. Bruce Holmes. A Personal Testimony Regarding Volunteering and Working at VOM Since the suspected perpetrator was dead, the police closed any further investigation of the molestation. If you would like your pastor [Read more] [Oregon] Sherrifs Deputy Fired for Failure to Comply with LGBTQ Policies #ChurchToo, Culture, For Ministry Leaders, Ministry News. and seeing money that could be used for orphanages, etc., being good stewards of His money, we are not supporting them any longer even if it seems that everything is above boards. I would urge you to watch the video below. In 2012, the executive director of VOM-USA, Tom White, committed suicide after allegations of child abuse were made against him. Avoiding Financial And Governance Disasters. Will the actions of orthodox Anglicans be as strong as their words post-Kigali? these people sleep at night. themselves in Bartlesville, USA. The molestation case was closed less than a month after White's passing. to generate revenues. In the last 4 years, the state of Arizona, for instance, failed to investigate 6,000 cases of children molestation. [3] Audited financial statements for the past three years are also available at VOM-USA's web site.[4]. suspected pedophilia, to pass by on the other side, so as to maintain their perks! 1. In addition to consuming alcohol, White had ingested Diphenhydramine, a common antihistamine sometimes prescribed for insomnia; Zolpidem, specifically used to treat insomnia, was also found in his system. 7. and then forcing them to kill their babies via abortions. RESEARCH JOURNAL Some organizations hire public . Martyrs supports persecuted Christians in Romania (For how Michael Wurmbrand, And this is why we are compelled to post articles like this letter below by Michael Wurmbrandto bring light to areas of darkness but also to defend true Christianity, to say to the world that there are believers in Christ all over the world who day after day, year after year serve the Lord faithfully, who do not molest children, do not plagiarize, do not practice the contemplative stillness in order to know God, and do not steal money or grow monstrous corporations that knock down everything in their path. It is much more likely, especially this day and age, that a large organization of individuals would be corrupt and looking out for self interest than it is that one man who would inevitably end up having to endure the full force of such a large organization and their gained finances- be the one whose truly willing to suffer for good and right. Except by the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Some of the organizations endorsing Voice of the Martyrs have interrelated employees and interests. Tom White, Voice of the Martyrs: Dealing with Serious Sin and Pain I have donated to their organization every year for the past few years The Voice of the Martyrs, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) exempt organization that has been classified as a mission society. Todd Nettleton with VOM USA says that the persecuted Church consistently asks to share needs with their Christian brothers and sisters so that they might pray for them. was about to arrest him for having sexually abused a 10-year-old girl. Acts 4:12, HOME Voice of the Martyrs - MinistryWatch I didnt attend, because throughout the [Read more] 'Heartbreaking' controversy hits Voice of the Martyrs persecution As of May 2018, Nigerian authorities have charged and released on bail the director, Isaac Oluwole Newton-Wusu, a defamation case has been filed against the accusers in Nigerian court . I worked with VOM from Los Angeles, California, USA and never was part of the VOM board of directors. Then on what is Voice of the Martyrs spending the donations that it collects hidden abuses which have marred the work in so many organizations. After our phone call with him, we were convinced that this letter below is indeed from Richard Wurmbrands son. John For several months now I have not sent them any Rachael Denhollander on how to deal with cases of sexual abuse, and This data release includes only a subset of what can be found in the full Form 990s. Voice of the Martyrs is a ministry that purports to help persecuted Christians. Inside the $28 million Voice of the Martyrs headquarter prominently named as the Richard Wurmbrand Center, there is a Wurmbrand museum. PO Box 5161 Voice of the Martyrs has veered into ecumenism, away from the, "Hi, Thank you for your website. Heed persecuted Christians and solicits donations on their behalf. After the fall of communism in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe, these missions expanded their focus to include those suffering religious persecution in Islamic, Hindu, and Buddhist societies. Kim Roberts April 5, 2023. If you were inspired by the Wurmbrand family story of suffering to donate to Voice of the Martyrs or its international affiliates in the ICA, as the only son of Richard and Sabina Wurmbrand, I humbly ask you not to. The 63 members of China's 'Mayflower Church' who fled persecution in China arrived in the United States on Good Friday, intending to resettle permanently after being granted humanitarian parole status amid a harrowing three-year quest for asylum. custom-built with $28 million of the donations collected for persecuted Christians Neither I nor the donors were told of such grandiose projects. persecuted church, so I am wondering if you would have a recommendation for The previous VOM building, now for sale for $1,600,000 in Bartlesville, OK. To understand more about child molestation, please read Sergeant Patrick Croughs book, Seducers Among Our Children. Prior to these allegations becoming public, VOM-USA had cut off funding[11] to VOCM-Nigeria after the mission refused to address overcrowding in a children's home operated by VOCM. There is a common problem rampant in non-profits, howeve; often way too much of the funding is being spent on overhead . Earth Day and a Christian Perspective on the Environment According to Michael Wurmbrands letter, after VOM director Tom White committed suicide on the same day a police investigation was opened on allegations that White had molested a 10-year-old girl,1 Michael Wurmbrand requested that an independent investigation be conducted, especially given the fact that the Chief of Police in Bartlesville (the city where VOM exists) is also on the board of VOM, and the Bartlesville police closed the case shortly after Whites death. Reprinted with permission from the Roseburg Beacon News, Vol. There is one more issue we want to address and that is the allegations of sexual abuse that were brought against Tom White by the parents of a 10-year-old girl. In order to verify the authenticity of the letter we received, we contacted VOM first. Michael released a statement concerning the firing which criticized the unwillingness of the board to do an investigation, the $28 million new headquarters, concerns about the criminal record background of one of the VOM-US vice presidents, and other related concerns.[9]. equivalent to $183,059 in 2021. A Romanian Jew scandals, and asks donors to stop giving money to it (read his letter). Some directors are related or get income from the organization. rejected the money and instead published an open letter that repeats his call for an independent investigation, sheds light on Voice of Martyrs' other Our enemy loves to defile our ambassadorship by exploiting the The controversy is revealed by Warren Throckmorton in his latest Patheos blog. To read more on this convicted felon, [click here or here]. It is a proven fact that most child predators do not molest just one child during the course of their lifetimes. I was written: Tom White was VOM, and according to VOM, I have no right to ask that my fathers name not be associated with this past chairman even if he committed suicide under a strong suspicion of pedophilia. Summary. I put in a Wrong phone #. Although those were investigated and found to be without foundation, staff in the US overseeing work in Nigeria became 'increasingly concerned' about overcrowding and quality of care at The Stephen Centre children's home operated by the Nigerian organisation, according to Nettleton. Voice of the Martyrs releases 2021 Global Prayer Guide Nettleton said VOM had taken . Nettleton said VOM had taken . In response, Voice of the Martyrs terminated Michael Wurmbrand, The investigation in the famous legal action in England of Jimmy Saville, the BBC children program head while alive, started with only 2 cases BUT there were more than 600 pedophilia complaints after Saville died. When we stumble or fall, as On March 14th, Lighthouse Trails received an e-mail from Michael Wurmbrand, the son of the late Richard Wurmbrand, founder of Voice of the Martyrs. Christian materials to/from abroad (see sent them a sizable gift based on my remembrance of the founder, not knowing the If you still want to help projects started by my parents, Richard and Sabina Wurmbrand, now hanging in the air, please help me reclaim my parents and my family name. but move my funds elsewhere. I think its very helpful that Amelia Coleman pointed out that, according to IRS Form 990s VOM spent 64% of its 2016 income oqn foreign projects, and that this is actually a high percentage. Letter to the Editor: Concerned About Voice of the Martyrs Catholic who became a Christian and a pastor, Richard Wurmbrand endured 14 years of horrific torture for his faith by While we know that 1 John tells us we are liars if we say we do not sin (1 John 1:8-10) (for all have sinned and come short of the glory of God), it also says if we continue in sin, we do not have God in our lives (1 John 3:6-10). Of course, lawyers will try to prevent them from doing so because they are afraid of lawsuits. After I brought all of these facts to light, I was asked also to keep quiet, not to rock the boat. protect his alleged victims or the other girls at the VOM-financed orphanage. . appeared first on Lighthouse Trails Research Project. VOMs heart is beating strong for the persecuted. heard of the Voice of the Martyrs scandal. 5. To read more on the VOM claims of pretended lack of money, [click here]. So here it is, I write it down almost 15 years after my . The Oklahoma state chief medical examiner's office has confirmed that Voice of the Martyrs executive Walter Thomas "Tom" White killed himself with a toxic mix of drugs in April, after learning that he had been accused of sexually molesting a young girl. What patient has any use for such a surgeon? [10] As of May 2018, Nigerian authorities have charged and released on bail the director, Isaac Oluwole Newton-Wusu, a defamation case has been filed against the accusers in Nigerian court, a defamation case has been filed against the director by the accusers, and a civil suit has been filed by several of the alleged victims for threats made by the director. I had never Tozer: A Hybrid of Complex Proportions, Earth Day and a Christian Perspective on the Environment, [Oregon] Sherrifs Deputy Fired for Failure to Comply with LGBTQ Policies, A Biblical Perspective on Salvation That Ye May Know . This overall score is calculated entirely from a single beacon score, weighted as follows: 100% Accountability & Finance. organizations that do the right things when it comes to helping people who are Torrance, Ca. . I asked therefore for an independent investigation! About Us Voice of the Martyrs Tortured for Christ circulated throughout the world with more than 10,000,000 copies. Richard Wurmbrand Russian-backed rebels control about a third of Ukraine's . Petr JaekGlobal Ambassador. supporting them for decades. When I was only a child, the communists forcefully took away my parents to communist prisons. Communists and were destitute in their 80s and 90s in Lord gives us the VOM, like all others, is imperfect. I don't live in the USA, but I have been * A repeated offender 3rd degree felon, who as of 2013 was STILL UNDER A-10-YEARS CONVICTION SENTENCE AS AN EMBEZZLER was named the Voice of the Martyrs Vice President.