main cultural movement of the nineteenth century was? Which of the following statements best expresses the message in the cartoon? Overview. 2017/2018 None. Studying HIS 102 Western Civilization II at Suffolk County Community College? A diverse group of tribal societies in Iron-Age Europe. Draw a vertical line between the complete subject and the complete predicate. 1). Grade: 100%. A city-state in ancient Greece, situated on the river Eurotas. The exam contains 120 questions to be answered in 90 minutes. the hill at the center of Athens on which the magnificant temples-including the Parthenon- that made the architecture of ancient Athens famous are built. An Athenian who convinced Athens to build new warships called "triremes". the labor of individuals farmer artisans and merchants constitute the true wealth of a nations Reigned from Sept 522 to Oct 486. nations are tied together by a belief in a common? Power was centralized in the monarchy and the power of nobles decreased. What is the purpose of this rhetorical question? showed that blood circulates throughout the body. The Western Civilization II: 1648 to the Present exam covers material that is usually taught in the second semester of a two-semester course in Western civilization. battle was the turning point in the pacific war, The d-day landings were launched from what country, was the british, canadian, and american project to build the atom bomb. Timeline: 5 points (based on Key Terms list) Short answer questions (multiple choice and fill in the blank from Key Terms list): 25 points Long answer questions (from options below): 2 x 10 pts = 20 points. 6. This battle basically decided the fate of the Persian Empire. a civilization that lived on the island of Crete from 2800 to 1450 BCE. 3. His philosophical writings are presented in the form of dialogues, & his political theories appeared in the Republic, Greek philosopher & scientist. It is the earliest known civilization in the world and is known as the Cradle Of Civilization. An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding introduced new ideas about the reliability of our senses. 3. Details about the exam breakdown, credit recommendations, and free sample questions. French Enlightenment philosopher Fontenelle wrote the book Conversations on the Plurality of Worlds (1686) in order to exposit and make known various discoveries of the Scientific Revolution, such as the astronomical findings of Copernicus and physics of Descartes. Augustus won and became the Emperor of Rome. Socrates firmly believed in rational thought. What Persian king did Alexander the Great defeat? bombings in europe in spain and london in 2004 and 2005 were linked to ? Label each direct object D.O. Westernized Russia after an extensive trip through Europe; he took the following measures: They proved their grit and determination in the Seven Years' War and in the War of Austrian Succession. was a major turning point in modern western civilization, the western world arrived at a new concept of the universe. Unfortunately for him, the extravagant lifestyle of Louis XIV and expensive wars prevented him from any economic success. The term comes from the Greek word meaning "to scatter", of or denoting a period of human culture beginning around 7000 BCE in the Middle East & laster elsewhere, characterized by the invention of farming & the making of technically advanced stone implements. seized throne herself. A civilization in lower Mesopotamia, located in what is now central and southern Iraq. Russia and Prussia take more Polish territories. (A) broken As represented in the writings of his disciple Plato, he engage in dialogue w/ others in an attempt to reach understanding & ethical concepts by exposing & dispelling error (the Socratic methods). An ancient Anatolian people, used cuneiform letters. 1784 German Philosopher "mans leaving his self cause immanturity", dare to know, use your own intelligence, free yourself from old traditions, traders, missionaries and explorers began to publish and increasing amount of travel literature, it gave different accounts of many many different cultures, this shook "European Superiority", and some intellectuals began to evaluate their own civilization in regards to others. faced strong opposition form the church, it was and explosive change. A roman general and politician, who commanded victories at Colline gate. Nations should have a trade surplus and export more goods then they import. What two countries fought in the War of Jenkins' Ear, What commodity dominated the trans-Atlantic trade in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, The part of the slave trade that included the voyage across the Atlantic was known as what, In the period from 1500 to 1900, most African slaves were shipped to. 1714-1837. Cosmology and Ontology are traditional branches of this. One work by Voltaire, Treatise on Toleration (1763) presents the view that "all men are brothers under God," which was an incredibly modern view on religious freedom and toleration in Voltaire's day. Draw a line under the root of the word. The most significant characteristic of the Assyrians was their, The Assyrian King responsible for the conquest of Jerusalem and Judah was, One of the most significant developments of the Phoenicians was, One of the main reasons why the Hebrew religion was so constant was because, One of the unique products that the Phoenicians traded was, While the original Covenant of monotheism was made between God and Abraham the renewed finalized Covenant was symbolized by, The main reason that so much is unknown of Iron Age Assyria is that, Assyrian rulers maintain records of their accomplishments, The city of Nineveh under the reign of Assurbanipal was noted for, housing extensive libraries of cuneiform tablets. 1 pages. (p.66), minor son god (whose symbol is the sun plate) Briefly, worshipped by all egyptians thanks to Akhenaton, Formerly named Amenhotep, he was a pharaoh who. Rise of Burgundy 3. Called the "Father of the Athenian democracy." 4. 1. Cicero is widely considered one of Rome's greatest orators and prose stylists. There is evidence of opposition to a woman as ruler, and, after her death her name was frequently expunged. Paragraph 15 is a rhetorical question. The Western Civilization I: Ancient Near East to 1648 exam covers material that is usually taught in the first semester of a two-semester course in Western civilization. The members of the First Triumvirate were? Western civilization 2 final exam guide Free Essays | Studymode Attalios, Ptolemies, Seleucids, Antigonids. north atlantic treat organization included how many countries when it was founded? was a major turning point in modern western civilization, the western world arrived at a new concept of the universe. Important Beliefs behind Mercantilism (Pt. Was a Roman poet of the 1st century B.C. Is a temple of the greek goddess Athena, whom the people of Athens considered their protector. an ancient Egyptian writing system in which pictures were, a compilation of prayers, chants etc. euh 2000.pdf. The Minoan Civilization was centered on what island? Became the central character in the "Epic Of Gilgamesh". A Jewish rebel army who liberated Judea from the rule of the Seleucid empire. Note: Each institution reserves the right to set its own credit-granting policy, which may differ from the American Council on Education (ACE). The Seven Years' War took place from 1756-1763. Voltaire despised social class inequality and cried out for human rights in society. 9th-century B.C., Greek epic poet: author of the Illiad and Oyssey. until his assasination in 336B.C. Was an Ancient greek king of Mecedon from 359B.C. Info More info. 1. decribes the era which followed the conquests of Alexander The Great. Nations could live in a state of peace and co-exist with each other. was the main advocate of deductive reasoning. 120 terms. At one time nearly every Christian denomination in the world followed the Nicean Creed, but not today. Were a series of conflicts fought by Rome during the Second Punic War. Most religious systems have some form of moral dualism, a conflict between good and bad. Cross out incorrect commas using the delete symbol. changed Egyptian religion to revolve around the sun god, queen of Egypt and wife of Akhenaton (14th century BC). European people who spoke a Celtic language. What event in France became the center of national celebrations after 1789? HIS 102 Final. God was seen as a watchmaker who created the orderly world and then stepped away to allow the universe to operate according to natural law. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Greek culture after the time of Alexander the Great mixed with that of the cultures of various eastern nations, this mixed Greek culture is today called?, What Greek ruler of Syria persecuted the Jews and instituted idol worship in the Temple of Jerusalem?, The Bosci were? Naval battle fought in 31 BC in the Ionian Sea between Italy and the Balkan Peninsula. An ancient city in north Africa, founded by the phoenicians in the middle of the 9th century b.c. Rich, brilliant, handsome, young man from Athens. Which man was responsible for killing Alexander the Great's family? the american presence in vietnam expanded most dramatically during the presidency of? This was the long period of relative peace and minimal expansion by military force experienced by the Roman Empire in the 1st and 2nd centuries AD. 76 terms. The leading archon in the city of Athens in ca. Attempts were made to reduce the legal number of hours a child could work. Spans over 2.5 thousand years, one of the most powerful cities of western civilization. political theorist most commonly associated with socialist revisionism? -to- March 15, 44 B.C. In their time the Grazers were known as either Bosci in Latin or Boskoi in Greek, both words sharing the meaning "grass-eaters" (Ascetic Christians who eat grass.). 535 AD in the city of Constantinople. Beginning of the end of the Seleucid Empire. The Epic of Gilgamesh Mespotamian narrative poem which was first told orally in Sumer; tells of a great flood that destroys the world Hatshepsut Queen of Egypt (1473-1458 B.C.E . Other sets by this creator. 52 terms. Western Civilization Chapter 2. Passed Western Civilization II with a 77 : r/clep - Reddit Western Civ Paper 1 - First of three mandatory reaction essays. Which was not one of the four great Greek families which divided the Empire of Alexander the Great into four kingdoms? of 1832 gave most male property holders the right to vote in great britian, this country provided critical military aid in the process of italian unification, resulted in creation of austro hungarian empire, who designed the first electromagnetic generator. A study plan and list of online resources. Please upgrade to Cram Premium to create hundreds of folders! Best known for taking a leading role in the assassination conspiracy against Julius Caesar. succeeded Cardinal Richelieu as minister to the French King. Was a roman poet and philosopher. Built by the Byzantine Emperor Justinian in ca. Study Guide - Test # 1. Voltaire, a Deist, was also skeptical and critical of the institution of the Church and of God himself. Was a dynasty of hellenistic kings descended from Alexander The Greats general named Antigonus Monophthalmus. This revolution ultimately questioned and challenged the conception and beliefs about the nature of the world and mans place in it. Name: Short answer questions (50 points, 5 po ints each): Please note this is the short answer portion of your e xam. and creates the cosmos from her bifurcated corpse. exacted tribute from the royal families in Thebes. Introducing Cram Folders! Grade: 100%, Ideologies that influenced the 19th century. Since the medium of opera was not well-received in England, Handel used the musical genre known as the oratorio and incorporated Biblical events into his works. Add commas where necessary. Long ago no pumpkins were available in Ireland. and ended with the death of Cleopatra 7. kemcru. most european countries legalized same sex civil unions by what decade? Romans crushed Antiochus and forced him to pay huge war fine, give up land, give up navy, and give a son as hostage. Circle each object complement. Questions on the Western Civilization II exam require test takers to demonstrate one or more of the following abilities: The subject matter of the Western Civilization II exam is drawn from the following topics. provides free unofficial review materials for a variety of exams. We weren't able to detect the audio language on your flashcards. 2 pages. We'll bring you back here when you are done. Newton, however, was NOT a deist and instead held fast to his Christian beliefs and wished to be remembered for his biblical studies, not his scientific discoveries. known cities arose. His views of the physical sciences profoundly shaped medieval scholarship. The Scientific method. Western Civilization 2. Spain, Portugal, France, Italy, Hapsburg Empire, Poland, Southern Germany, Scotland, parts of Switzerland, and parts of Germany, the Jesuit had become quite successful, and carried with that great influence and power within the church, which made enemies. given word. WESTERN CIVILIZATION II . apartheid. Such monarchs embrace rationality, and embraced education and religious tolerance. natural rights, undeniable privilages that no person should be with out, freedom of religion, speech and press, the right to assemble, hold property and seek happiness, all men created equal, Frederick II Prussia, Catherine the Great of Russia, Joseph II of Austria, left France with an enormous debt, unhappy populatin and a 5 yr old successor, 5 yrs old he did not begin to rule until 1743, the governing was left to the Duke of Orleans, but he was a poor leader, France pulled back from foreign endeovors, they expanded their commercial empire, he then takes control and is ineffective and his grandson takes over, 20yrs old proves to be no better, He and Marie Antoinette could not foresee the effects of their poor leadership, knew little about the operations of the government and lacked the energy to deal decisively with state affairs. His theory of "ideas" or "forms" contrasts abstract entitles or universals with their objects or particulars in the material world. 2. France remained at war in an attempt to enlarge its territory and influence. A well known German-born, British Baroque composer of opera seria and concerto grossi, such as Dixit Dominus, Messiah, and Rodrigo. ("Crush the infamous thing"), which referred to abolishing bigotry, rigid religious traditions, and oppressive governments, sparked the Age of Revolution in western societies. 1st Law: Anti Mercantilism, ban tariff that protect home industries, if one country can supply another with a cheaper product, it is better to purchase it than produce at a higher cost, free trade was a fundamental of economic principal, 2nd Law: labor theory of value, neither land nor gold/silver indicated a nations true value. The upper class people of ancient Greece were called? 1. The entrepreneurial class that developed in Britain believed in hard work, progress, and technology, values that grew from the Protestant work ethic What Greek ruler of Syria persecuted the Jews and instituted idol worship in the Temple of Jerusalem? It was named for its original capital assur. Select a topic for a speech. Save. Groups of questions may require candidates to interpret, evaluate, or relate the contents of a passage, a map, a picture, or a cartoon to the other information, or to analyze and use the data contained in a graph or table. Western Civ. Final Exam - HIS 102 Final Name: Short answer - Studocu Son Of Darius The Great. from 312 to 631 B.C. Despotism: Apt for large empires, dependents upon fear and obedience.