Cry out to Jesus and repent for He is a God of restoration and will be a present help in your time of need. This book tackles such questions as - Is experience a valid test of truth? My life has been a series of interesting twists that will hopefully benefit someone out in the ether. It is so difficult to be discerning when you are hearing 80 or 90% truth and I will not claim to be a Bible scholar. Praise God for His mercy and grace!. Mark G,please reread my statement. Holiness has anointed preachers. I will certainly look it up. She took away two step children I raised and love dearly and cut them off from all contact with me. Im heartbroken to hear that. Hope that helps and best wishes on your journey as well. It is a Christian Hollywood full of idols and idolatry and it is rampant in these evangelical circles. first if I ever wanted to leave. Most definately. There is an airof spiritual elitism aboutit. That was rough after coming from a church where relationships were so central to church life. Thats my journey for now. was some cosmic game show host saying, "Sorry, that is correct but you didn't answer in the form of a His word is the Truth. Many, but not all, of these, are members of the Pentecostal Alliance of Independent Churches, which was founded in 2001. We must be RESTORED to Gods Intelligent Design for the form and function of the Body of Christ. I dont place much trust in dreams and visions because sometimes they are good and sometimes they are dark. Why I Left the Indian Pentecostal Church - Medium I spent hours in study in those days which laid a biblical foundation before I went to Bible College. leave They had a lot of positive press coverage. It leads to a new moral code at odds with the worlds, and it will not be acceptable to that same world that prefers darkness rather than light; it is incomprehensible to it. We had a great pastor. why Delusion happens when we elevate those experiences above the word of God. about asking for money -- and there were definite echoes of prosperity teaching involved -- but they didn't hunt you I agree with you but those who are twisting the word of God would say that that's their interpretation of it. These three simultaneous events sent me running back to my bible. - Does the Bible promise health and wealth? Completegarbage. Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. I just so happen to read this from Acts 20, today: to serve the church just wasn't the same. In reading, studying, praying, and using 1 John 4 as a litmus test, Gods word (imagine that) gave me clarity and hope in a frustrating situation. I have seen many things, experienced much Church hurt and seen a lot of crap. There was something happening literally every night of the week. I thank God for those who prayed me out of my oblivion, and I begun to seek God myself. So you could say I became a little pentecostal. View all posts by puresola. What once nurtured my innocent soul began feeding it imitation meat and I ended up in darkness and delusion. I was listening to Bethel worship, Hill songs, all the cutting edge worship. Welcome to discernment, and thank you for the courage to tell your story! Its strong delusion and it will only become MORE apostate and MORE evident. If you didn't feel anything, someone would be Phil 1:5-6NKJV "close encounter" with God. I saw so many people using Gods name in the Charismatic/Pentecostal movement it isdizzying. Really, all believers have the Holy Spirit and should be led by the Spirit of God and not by people saying I have a word for you. We are not to follow people. They may leave out repetitive "hallelujahs,' "we worship you Lord" and/or "praise God almighty" and then save the Amen until the end of their prayer. Over the years I found that God takes things away from us so that He can be our only Rock and Anchor. I received a letter from a man who was raised as a Catholic in the 1960s and who stated that the Catholic Church God was ABOUT to do something amazing in our mist. It is not the baby and bath water, what is a baby doing in the filthy water in the first place. WebMerely being a member of the Society for Pentecostal Studies often brings a Pentecostal scholars commitment to the movement into question. Talking correctly was Essentially, for the sake of "truth" I learned to be a very effective Please ! Where does the Holy Spirit fit into Sola Scriptura? Swedish Pentecostal Movement Its certainly better than the hype, spectacle, idolatry and abuse of power that follows some prominent gifted individuals. Also, have heard and seen gossip. Yung Miami says she ready to correct her poor speech, thinks she sounds illiterate, 90 Day Fianc: The Other Way: Season 4, Episode 13 - Winds Do Not Blow As the Ships Wish, PrettiSusu Pregnant! (LogOut/ I prayed for thattruly.thank God. I didn't I really long for our eyes to open as believers. These men prophesy lies and the people imagine vain things. there to help you "pray through" until you did. Historical Overview of Pentecostalism in India | Pew Research They really don't speak much on any other gift. (Not saying you are, I dont know you.) When the Word and the Holy Spirit are manifested in a service, keep this in mind: true preaching will always exalt Christ and His teaching (Jn5:39) and, the manifestation of the Holy Spirit will always point to Jesus (Jn16:13,14). . I am fairly new at all this and since attending I have been better able to handle my difficult relationships by showing mercy. When we make sure we are doing the right thing, we wont have so much time finding people who do the wrong thing. If of course, youre a Christian. The left hates the Churchs love of the poor, which seeks to alleviate the sufferings of the unfortunate instead of inciting them to revolt against those who have more. You can use them to display text, links, images, HTML, or a combination of these. I read news papers from which the Lord calls me to pray, I hear people talk and get involved in chats. "Why I Left the Pentecostal Church" - Sermon Upload I realized that just because it was a Protestant church didnt make it scriptural The pastor was awful, preached more from Robt Schneller than scripture and when my husband and I questioned some of his so called God is leading our church this way ( as in going to yung ghi chos church in Korea to learn how to pray) cell groups, (communism) Once we were all encouraged to speak in tongues and shout out our cities name as claimed territory In the name of Jesus. Thank you for your comment. Where Gods people are and where the Holy Spirit is moving , the devil and his children are going to show up and cause trouble. Fervent and effective prayer. Feelings, such as as our emotions; within the heart are warned by Jeremiah the prophet in the book of Jer: 17:9 that, the heart is wicked beyond cure and desperately sick!, warning to the church, Do not ever follow your hearts inclinations! In fact they generally condemn everyone who disagrees with them. Like many others, I joined because I was looking for something -- I wanted to be in a church that God sent a strong delusion upon them so that they should believe the lie because they loved not the truth. When I read that it was like I saw it for the first time, I mean truly understood it. This book written by John MacArthur called Charismatic Chaos. Flee the hirelings and the organized mess that only wants converts to their denomination. That is not the same as the apostolic gift of healing. The Assemblies of God were founded in Hot Springs, Arkansas in April, 1914. We must always conform are teachings and experiences to the Word and not conform the Word to our teachings and experiences. What are your future plans? Another thing, I wondered where Puresola comes from, while googling I realised there is a term Sola Scriptura and I assume your name has something to do with this term. For the first time, a man has won the women's Tour of the Gila. U.S. IMMIGRATION POLICY KILLS. 2. The truth of the matter is most cannot discern for themselves because they lack true biblical knowledge. Confess with your mouth and believe with your heart, which will result in fruit. Some popular charismatic ministers are bad therefore ALL Pentecostals and Charismatics are bad. the seriously ill basically, anyone with a medically verified condition--they never got healed. The pastor also works with YWAM that has reference to the 7 spheres of influence (7 mountain mandate) language on their website. It is full of people who (mostly) volunteer their time. Then, we will once again be RELEVANT in this lost and dying world. Many Christian friends who were sympathetic turned their back when I couldnt stand being alone anymore. What I saw was so over the top crazy, I left mad, disillusioned, frustrated, confused, and I am now at a point where I am questioning my own faith and where (if at all) to attend church. John etc. It isnt and wont be an easy life as a follower of Christ because there will always be conflict with the evil one, but Jesus is Lord of all, at whose name every knee will bow, and He has given us the victory over sin and the spiritual death it causes, through our faith in Him . My grandfather was a pastor and we went to church every day. Sounds like the biggest thing you dealt with were these false words of the Lord. Im excited to read your testimony and I know how it feels. In the end, it is always the misinterpretation of the Bible. Why claim that there is some light in darkness when we know better. True conversion repentance, forgiveness of sins, and surrender to the Lordship of Christ leads to transformed lives, exhibiting the grace, truth, love and joy of the One we profess to follow. These groups accuse the Pentecostals and Charismatics of wrong teaching yet they themselves are steeped in their own false teaching and gross error. Becoming Apostolic Pentecostal, Backsliding, and Coming This broke me and I decided to start living again too. mostly on evangelising. However, we (humankind) have been adapting scripture to modern cultural practices as time as progressed using parallels to compare equivalent circumstances. Weve all heard it.By beholding we become changed., 1 Cor 15:33 (ESV) Do not be deceived: Bad company ruins good morals. Loved your post and I cannot thank you enough for posting it! The Catholic Church in effect falters when her members fall short of what they should be doing and believing. I'm just playing Devil's Advocate here lol. If I told my staff to obey me or a curse would come upon them yet the church operates differently. Why are we putting a title and saying sr. joanne, br. I currently attend these services and have never seen such a loving group of people that are determined to adhere to bible principles and demonstrate true brotherly love as God instructs. to a lack of maturity. Bill Johnson and his wife are into grave soaking. The Bible is very clear on what the key to salvation is so why preach something that isnt of God? Members of the United Pentecostal Church 1 Tim 4:16 (NKJV) Take heed to yourself and to the doctrine. I wanted to stay in a charismatic/Pentecostal church, but I hoped to find one that wasn't so controlling. Maybe strong relationships only happened in an environment of strong control.