Most of the time I become arch enemy before I can pull a win, and I hear that's pretty common for Yuriko. Other people can view your private deck by using this url, Uncategorized, slime, Deck EDH Examples, Yuriko, Uncategorized, Fave Primers, Cool decks, Commanders, Commander, Interesting decks, Commander, cEDH ideas, Favorites, cool decks, edh, Yuriko, MTG EDH, Favorite, ninja, New commander decks, Playtest Opponents, , Decks, optimised, decks, concept deck, dimir, Commander, Deck, Commander, B, Epic, to proxy, General Decks of other People, Commanders, Yuriko - Personal, Carla cEDH, Mono Blue + Dimir Decks, EDH, Commander Zone, DecksToPlay, EDH Primer, Nice, EDH Commander, Decks to create, Ninjitsu!, Fun Decks, Yuriko, Commander / EDH, Commander, competitive scene, Commander Decks, Commander Decks, Commander, EDH, Yuriko Improvement, EDH decks, commander decks, Yuriko, Intriguing Decks, definitely, Yuriko, To Buy, hh, adsasd, possibilities, Uncategorized, Copies, Favorite Decks, Interest, How to hopefully not die, CMDR, Deck Ideas, zIdeas, Decks I Like, EDH, EDH, Interesting, Ideias, #1 Inspirations / Ideas, Commander Decks, ? This is the version of the deck played here, which is an optimized ninjas tribal approach that plays lots of ninjas while keeping good top-deck manipulation and interaction, which plays a suite of extra turn spells to facilitate a win when we're ready. Its worth mentioning at this point that some lists run a lot more enablers, but I've found in my experience that this is a good amount. Thank you all for taking the time to read my article! Cookie Notice Primer; Stats; My Price Tabletop Arena MTGO. Can it be used at instant speed? She also draws cards without "drawing" them (thus avoiding any draw hate), and uses the cmc of the cards she draws to damage all of our opponents. This will let us double up on Yuriko's ability, and fits nicely with the creature strategy we've established. Yuriko can be built differently based on your preference and meta. Feeds | With our creatures, redundancy is equally as important as it was for our Ninja enchantments. In a deck where everything is evasive, any amount of extra buff is worth our attention, and this is one of our better options. [ [Brainstorm]], [ [Scroll Rack]], and [ [Jace, the Mind Sculptor]] are all really important. The owner of Study didn't even get to do anything with the extra cards because everyone hated on them so much! Thanks for checking out my Yuriko, the Tiger's Shadow deck and primer! We might also want to grab the best card on the deck. This means that you're the primary target for your opponent's interaction. Dimir Infiltrator is also a great tutor who can grab us Counterspell, Tetsuko Umezawa, Fugitive,Cover of Darkness, and more as suits our needs. Hence this one gets the cut, but if you are missing any of the other three this is a good card. He also has the added benefit of being able to give our ninjas evasion, which is great. Instants and sorceries are likely our biggest issues anyway, and we'll be saving Dancer to eliminate a pesky Wrath. As for interaction, Throat Slitter and my favorite ninja of all-time, card:Mist-blade Shinobi exist to help us to deal with creature-based threats repeatedly. If the table is ok with playing it, and I manage to flip it, we all cheer and laugh, but ignore it as a simple land and continue play as normal. I do normally prefer decks that approach the game from a stompy/ramp angle. I've pointed out that we'll be relying on Yuriko's burn damage to finish off our opponents. So I'm putting up what I have and seeing if I can learn from the crowd. Before we delve deeper into our creatures or any of the other goodies we're packing, let's take a look at these key enchantments. Devastation Tide costs five mana (hence doing good damage) but can usually be cast by us for its miracle cost, thus once again allowing us to be the first to rebuild. Xenograft is included in this deck for redundancy. Redshift's Consult Kess primer is also excellent if a bit less detailed. At 5 mana, Temporal Manipulation is as cheap as it gets for an extra turn spell. There are only five more creatures in the deck, and these are included for their particularly potent abilities. Make sure to either time it right or back your play up with your own Counterspell in this case. The ninjutsu cost of Ninja of the Deep Hours is a cmc of 2, which is a much better rate than hard casting it, and which avoids summoning sickness. Another way is to chain extra turns: Another turn = another combat step = more Yuriko triggers. Yuriko, the Tiger's Shadow Introduction As an avid budget deck creator, I took it upon myself to help the players that don't want to spend thousands of dollars on a card game, and still want to destroy their friends and have fun doing so as well. When we need to deal with the entire board, we tend to run blue-based board wipes as these bounce our ninjas back to our hands where we can re-use them. The gravity of Ninjutsu on Yuriko cannot be overstated, as it almost guarantees that we will be able to have her on board at any time as long as one of our little creatures can make it through (they don't even need to be a Ninja). Thus with Edric died my interest in the unblockable creature archetype Functionally, Yuriko operates more similarly to Edric than Vela, but many of the cards that made me interested in Vela for an unblockable strategy are equally applicable in Yuriko. However, there are still a few cards that I considered that are worth taking a look at: Necropolis Regent was one of the anthem effects I considered early on and ultimately cut in favor of Door of Destinies and Coat of Arms. Help | By Theme I've also decided that we're in a good position to take advantage of permanents that allow us to draw cards when we deal combat damage. That primer was my first real exposure to cEDH thinking and got me really excited to play the format. The more subtle benefit is that we can tutor for it using the Transmute abilities of Dimir Infiltrator and Muddle the Mixture. New. The only thing better than Yuriko triggers, after all, is multiple Yuriko triggers! This will require TappedOut.js included in your blog. The second is Larceny, which is effectively an inverse Coastal Piracy. Most primers for lists assume you have some knowledge of turbo naus strategy, and I've seen a lot of discussion . This leaves no room to cast any ramp spells on turn 1 or 2, and forgoing the tempo advantage to get ahead on mana is just not where we want to be. Archidekt link:'s_Rack, Tappedout link: Welcome to my Yuriko primer! I like the high ceiling Door offers, and unlike Coat it's a non-symmetrical ability. Islandwalk is easily the most limited form of evasion among any of our creatures, but I think in most cases she'll have another blue player to prey on. The cream of the crop are Sun Quan, Lord of Wu, Archetype of Imagination, Cover of Darkness, and Tetsuko Umezawa, Fugitive as they give most of our creatures evasion against most things, but Higure, the Still Wind, Shizo, Death's Storehouse, Smoke Shroud, and Access Tunnel can give some evasion as well. Thirdly, ninjas have great toolbox properties, so employing a variety of tutors helps us to make sure that we have the ninja we need to deal with the problem we have. While this guy has ninjutsu and can actually dish out respectable damage on his own, he doesn't have any other abilities, making him suboptimal here. [[Insidious dreams]] has been the most effective top deck manipulation effect so far, winning a few games on its own. These changes will be reflected in the primer in the near future! However, the card that I was most excited to find was Unnatural Selection. Hi everyone! This card is great because it brings all of your ninjas back for a second shot, and also can do some good damage off the top. Copied to clipboard. Format: Commander . 0 0 31. The first mtg precon I ever bought was the Ninjutsu theme deck from the Kamigawa block, and I soon picked up the black ninjas to make my favorite casual deck. People figure out pretty quickly that Yuriko is really not worth killing with a removal spell, so while I didn't draw Mox Amber in my games, there was basically no situation where drawing one . That being said, we will play 2+cmc enablers only when they have other advantages that make them too good to pass up. I still need to find a place for it though. Ramp is one thing that Yuriko decks are not very good at. Due to the unique strategy we're taking with this deck, I've talked about many of the cuts already. She portrayed Anne Yuri in the Japanese television series Ultra Seven (1967-1968) and subsequent appearances in other Ultra Series film and television and projects. It's also worth noting that we are pretty psyched to steal any Equipment, so maybe make friends with your opponent playing Nazahn, Revered Blacksmith (shout out to Mason at the Underdog's Corner). Articles and comments are user-submitted and do not represent official endorsements of this site. And you're right! We will use enchantments to turn our creatures into Ninjas to enable Yuriko's triggered ability and tribal synergies. Yuriko, the Tiger's Shadow : r/EDH - Reddit But I don't really enjoy playing combo decks, so I've opted to not include the aforementioned Demonic Consultation & Thassa's Oracle combo. The last creature I want to highlight is Thada Adel, Acquisitor. If our opponents have beat each other up enough over the course of the game, we can often win with even a couple of triggers perhaps helped by a timely, Profile of a Ninja: Understanding Yuriko and Ninjutsu, Our Secret Weapon: The Best Card in the Deck, Potential Recruits (Cards I'm considering), Retired Ninjas (Cards I'm not playing and Why). The gist is that we don't particularly care about the activated ability, but we're more concerned with the triggered draw ability. I also like having Walker of Secret Ways as she can return our ninjas to our hand for re-use in addition to snooping on what our opponents are up to. View User Profile View Posts Send Message . If the game goes on much longer, we can be overwhelmed by our opponents' more expensive and powerful cards. June 18, 2022, Lots of Testing! The three creatures lacking evasion can copy our evasive creatures to become evasive themselves. Let's take a look at the glue holding this party together. Gruul Battle Standard. I've upgraded this deck a lot since it was first created, and you do not need every card on my list to build a strong Yuriko deck! If we dome our opponent's with Temporal Trespass on turn two they will probably gang up on us and destroy us before we can get into a commanding board state. There just isn't the demand in this deck for this effect that there used to be. Blinkmoth Nexus, Creeping Tar Pit, and Faerie Conclave offer us three additional ways to get damage through, and the opportunity cost is virtually nothing. Apparently Krikk has been winning the tournament nearly . I'd really like to have a battle-cruiser, mid-, and high-level, trio of combat centered decks with unique approaches to how they win. Given that our creatures are so cheap, replaying them shouldn't be an issue. This ability isn't just a win-con, but more importantly, card advantage. For those of you unfamiliar with the way a typical Edric deck operates, I recommend you do a quick browse of his EDHREC page here. This card definitely belongs in the deck, and I even know what to cut for it. But now that we have a critical mass of ninjas, its not necessary to include as many enablers in our deck. In my meta, if your deck relies heavily on your commander, and your commander is a primary target, you won't be doing much of anything. Ultimately the current strategy is to overwhelm with ninja triggers. Whenever I'm deciding on a new commander to build around, I look for three things: Yuriko fits this criteria to a tee, so it's no surprise that she's my all-time favourite commander.